As indicated in the CAD guidelines, the Use of Studies consists of the possibility of taking advantage of activities in previous Postgraduate courses, in which the student has already been approved in the current Postgraduate course.
The use of Studies can be granted by the Graduate Commission (CPG) of the course, upon request of the student, with the approval of the supervisor.
As determined in Unicamp General Graduate Regulations, the use of studies must be requested until the end of the second academic period of admission.
The IC Graduate Office will determine a period in the semester (see the specific IC graduate calendar on the page of information for professors and graduate students) to receive those requests.
Procedures to request recovery:
- Subjects taken at the Institute of Computing (MO—):
- Fill the DAC form
- Print, sign, collect the supervisor's signature and leave it at the IC Postgraduate Secretariat together with a copy of the school transcript that contains the subjects for use.
- As provided for in the IC Graduate Regulations, requests for use of subjects with A or B approval, taken at the IC's PPG, are automatically approved in the five years prior to the date of the request made by the student. Disciplines that do not meet these requirements will only be used with a favorable opinion from CPG
- For the doctorate it is possible to take up to 12 credits in subjects taken as a regular student of the master's.
- Subjects taken outside the Computer Institute (other than MO–)
- These are subjects taken at another Higher Education Institution (HEI), or at another Faculty or Institute at Unicamp.
- For each discipline to be used it is necessary to deliver:
- Form completed and signed by the student accompanied by the documents:
- IES Official Discipline Program;
- Discipline Development Plan, prepared by the student, containing details of the discipline's offer, such as: additional menu and bibliography, evaluation criteria used, number of tests and projects carried out - according to the template provided by the Graduate Secretariat. (For each section of the template, use a maximum of 1/2 page)
- School history of the HEI containing the approval of the discipline with grade and course load;
- CV Lattes of the teacher who taught the course;
- Recognition of the Postgraduate Program in which the discipline was taken (unless the Institution is foreign)
- The documents (School History and Menu) must contain the institution's stamp and signatures or electronic authenticity validation code.
- The certificate of recognition of the course can be obtained at
- In the case of documents issued by institutions based abroad, information can be obtained from documents produced abroad Documents produced abroad.
- This request will be evaluated by the CPG and the student will be informed how to proceed in case the request is granted.
- IMPORTANT: Subjects taken in this modality will appear in the student's history without grade (only credits are counted) and therefore not can be used for dispensing EQG in the doctorate.
- NOTE - The IC does not have a 3-credit MO discipline and therefore use of 3-credit courses from another institute or college can only be carried out with 2-credit courses.
** If necessary to fill in the forms, consult the names and enrollments of teachers through the link:
The field “Program Commission Coordinator Data” is not required.