

Alexandre Xavier Falcão

Professor MS6 Standards Analysis Machine Learning Biometry

Allan Mariano de Souza

Professor Doctor I MS3.1 Distributed systems Artificial Intelligence Computer network

Anderson de Rezende Rocha

Professor MS6 Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Computer Forensics

André Santanchè

Associate Professor II MS5.2 Databases Geographic Data Management

Breno Bernard Nicolau de França

Professor Doctor II MS3.2 Software Engineering

Bruno Barbieri de Pontes Cafeo

Professor Doctor I MS3.1 Software Engineering Maintenance and Evolution Software Testing

Carlos Alberto Astudillo Trujillo

Professor Doctor I MS3.1 Computer network Distributed systems

Cecília Mary Fischer Rubira

Professor MS6 Software Engineering Fault Tolerance

Christiane Neme Campos

Associate Professor I MS5.1 Algorithms Analysis Theory of graphs

Claudia Maria Bauzer Medeiros

Professor MS6 Databases Geographic Data Management

Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira

Professor MS6 Computer network Distributed systems

Edson Borin

Associate Professor II MS5.2 Machine Learning High-Performance Computing Cloud Computing

Emanuel Felipe Duarte

Professor Doctor I MS3.1 Informatics in Education Human-Computer Interfaces Game Design

Esther Luna Colombini

Professor Doctor II MS3.2 Mobile Robotics Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Educational Robotics

Fábio Luiz Usberti

Associate Professor I MS5.1 Combinatory Otmization Algorithms Analysis Operational Research

Flávio Keidi Miyazawa

Professor MS6 Algorithms Analysis Combinatorial Optimization

Guido Costa Souza de Araújo

Professor MS6 Computer Architecture Programming Languages ​​and Compilers Design and Test of Digital Circuits

Guilherme P. Telles

Associate Professor I MS5.1 Algorithms and data structures

Hélio Pedrini

Professor MS6 Image and Video Processing Machine Learning Computer vision

Hervé Cédric Yviquel

Professor Doctor I MS3.1 Parallel Computing Programming Languages ​​and Compilers Computer Architecture

Hilder Vitor Lima Pereira

Professor Doctor I MS3.1 Post-Quantum Cryptography Computing over Encrypted Data Homomorphic Encryption

Isaías Bittencourt Felzmann

Professor Doctor MS3.1 Computer Architecture Energy Efficient Systems Embedded systems

Islene Calciolari Garcia

Professor Doctor I MS3.1 Distributed systems Fault Tolerance

Jacques Wainer

Professor MS6 Standards Analysis Machine Learning

João Meidanis

Professor MS6 Algorithms Analysis Computational Biology Theory of graphs

Jorge Stolfi

Professor MS6 Algorithms Analysis CG Numerical Computing

Juliana Freitag Borin

Professor Doctor II MS3.2 Computer network Internet of Things Distributed systems

Julio Cesar dos Reis

Associate Professor I MS5.1 Human-Computer Interfaces Ontologies and Semantic Web Natural Language Processing

Julio César López Hernández

Associate Professor III MS5.3 Cryptography

Leandro Aparecido Villas

Associate Professor II MS5.2 Computer network Distributed systems

Lehilton Lelis Chaves Pedrosa

Associate Professor I MS5.1 Approximation Algorithms Algorithms Analysis Combinatorial Optimization

Lucas Francisco Wanner

Associate Professor I MS5.1 Computer Architecture Distributed systems Embedded systems

Luiz Fernando Bittencourt

Associate Professor II MS5.2 Distributed systems

Marcelo da Silva Reis

Professor Doctor I MS3.1 Machine Learning Bioinformatics Artificial Intelligence

Marcos Medeiros Raimundo

Professor Doctor I MS3.1 Machine Learning Multi-Objective Optimization Ethical AI

Nelson Luis Saldanha da Fonseca

Professor MS6 Computer network

Orlando Lee

Associate Professor II MS5.2 Combinatorial Optimization Theory of graphs

Paulo César Centoducatte

Professor Doctor I MS3.1 Computer Architecture Programming Languages ​​and Compilers Design and Test of Digital Circuits

Paulo Lício de Geus

Professor MS6 Computer network Computational Security

Pedro Jussieu de Rezende

Associate Professor III MS5.3 Algorithms Analysis CG Computational Geometry

Rafael Crivellari Saliba Schouery

Associate Professor I MS5.1 Algorithms Analysis Combinatorial Optimization

Ricardo Dahab

Professor MS6 Cryptography Information security Theory of graphs

Ricardo Pannain

Professor Doctor I MS3.1 Computer Architecture

Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo

Professor MS6 Computer Architecture Programming Languages ​​and Compilers Design and Test of Digital Circuits

Ruben Interian

Professor Doctor I MS3.1 Algorithms Analysis Combinatorial Optimization Human Interaction Networks

Sandra Eliza Fontes de Avila

Professor Doctor II MS3.2 Standards Analysis Machine Learning Image processing

Sandro Rigo

Associate Professor I MS5.1 Computer Architecture Programming Languages ​​and Compilers

Santiago Valdés Ravelo

Professor Doctor I MS3.1 Approximation Algorithms Combinatorial Optimization Computational Complexity

Zanoni Dias

Associate Professor III MS5.3 Computational Biology Machine Learning Combinatorial Optimization


Anamaria Gomide

Numerical Computing

Ariadne Maria Brito Rizzoni Carvalho

Associate Professor I MS5.1 Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Processing

Arlene Fortunato Machado

Arnaldo Vieira Moura

Associate Professor III MS5.3 Algorithms Analysis Formal Languages ​​and Automata Combinatorial Optimization

Arthur João Catto

Professor Doctor I MS3.1 Computer Architecture

Celia Picinin de Mello

Algorithms Analysis Theory of graphs

Célio Cardoso Guimarães

Professor Computer Architecture

Cid Carvalho de Souza

Professor MS6 Algorithms Analysis Combinatorial Optimization Operational Research

Cláudio Leonardo Lucchesi

Professor Emeritus MS6 Analysis of algorithms Theory of graphs

Fernando Antônio Vanini

Assistant professor

Hans Kurt Edmund Liesenberg

Human-Computer Interfaces

Heloisa Vieira da Rocha

Informatics in Education Human-Computer Interfaces

Luiz Eduardo Busato

Associate Professor I MS5.1 Distributed systems Fault Tolerance

Maria Beatriz Felgar de Toledo

Distributed systems

Mário Lúcio Côrtes

Associate Professor I

Nelson Castro Machado

Rogério Drummond Burnier Pessoa de Mello Filho


Sindo Vasquez Dias

Bachelor, State University of Campinas, 1975

Thelma Cecília Chiossi

Coordinator of the Software Engineering Specialist Training Course MS2 Software Engineering Database

Tomasz Kowaltowski

Collaborating Professor Programming Languages ​​and Compilers Formal Languages ​​and Automata Natural Language Processing


Eliane Martins

Associate Professor I MS5.1 Software Engineering Distributed systems Fault Tolerance

Gerberth Adín Ramírez Rivera

Professor Doctor I MS3.1 Image processing Machine learning Computer vision

Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas

Professor MS6 Informatics in Education Artificial Intelligence Human-Computer Interfaces

Ricardo de Oliveira Anido

Associate Professor I MS5.1 Distributed systems

Former teachers

Diego de Freitas Aranha

Computational Cryptography Computational Security

Eduardo Candido Xavier

Associate Professor I MS5.1 Algorithms Analysis Combinatorial Optimization

Heiko Horst Hornung

Informatics in Education Human-Computer Interfaces Organizational Semiotics

Leonardo Montecchi

Professor Doctor I MS3.1 Computer Architecture Software Engineering Model Driven Engineering

Ricardo da Silva Torres

Database Geographic Data Management Image processing

Siome Klein Goldenstein

In Memoriam

Geovane Cayres Magalhães

Neucimar Jerônimo Leite