PhD in Computer Science

The Doctorate in Computer Science is a strictu sensu postgraduate course, with a typical duration of four years.

Like all regular courses at Unicamp, there is no charge for fees and tuition. The program has scholarships from CNPq and CAPES agencies, which are awarded to students based on academic performance.


Doctoral candidates must have completed a full degree course, preferably in Computing, Engineering or Mathematics. Having a master's degree is desirable but not a requirement. See information on the selective process.


To obtain the degree of doctor the student must attend Disciplines, pass or be excused from the general qualification exam, prepare a work plan and pass the specific qualification exam, demonstrate English language proficiency, develop the work plan, meet the requirements of scientific publications, write and defend the thesis . 

Up to six months after entering the course, the student must choose an advisor: a professor accredited in the program who is willing to supervise the research project and the preparation of the thesis.

Program students must maintain a good academic performance. Otherwise, they will be subject to sanctions such as suspension of scholarship and termination of the program, according to the rules established by CPG.

All details are in Information for teachers and graduate students.