The Computing Institute currently has 13 research laboratories.
Security and Cryptography Laboratory (LASCA)
The research developed at LASCA includes, among other topics, malware behavior analysis, cloud security, vulnerability analysis, efficient and secure implementation of cryptographic applications and electronic voting.
Information Systems Laboratory (LIS)

LIS hosts undergraduate and graduate students who work with interdisciplinary research in various fields, such as medicine, health, bioinformatics, agriculture, biodiversity, urban planning, telecommunications and sports. The research projects developed here generally involve, among others, database systems, human-computer interfaces, image processing, computer networks and software engineering.
Visual Information Laboratory (LIV)
LIV promotes research in image processing, computer vision, machine learning, pattern recognition, computer graphics, scientific visualization and computational geometry.
Optimization and Combinatorics Laboratory (LOCo)
The research carried out at LOCo covers the following areas: game theory, approximation algorithms, combinatorial optimization, computational and bioinformatics biology, computational geometry, theory of formal and autonomous languages, graph theory, linear and integer programming, online algorithms, operational research and randomized algorithms.
Computer Networks Laboratory (LRC)
At the LRC, its members conduct research on different network layers, from the MAC layer to the application layer, covering the following areas: network management, grid computing, optical networks, network protocols, telecommunications engineering, middleware, sensor networks, wireless mesh and sensor networks and software-defined networks.
Computer Systems Laboratory (LSC)
The LSC's mission is to develop research on computer systems technologies. His main areas of research include: digital systems design, processor simulation, compiler optimizations, code generation, code compression algorithms, dynamic compilation, high performance and parallel computing and other aspects of computer design.
Distributed Systems Laboratory (LSD)
The mission of the Distributed Systems Laboratory (LSD) of the Institute of Computing (IC) of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) is to carry out research and development to improve the reliability and performance of distributed systems.
LSD was formed in 1996 with funds from a thematic project FAPESP (process 96 / 01532-9). During its existence LSD trained dozens of Doctors, 30 (until 2018), and Masters (155 until 2018) and received resources from
FAPESP, CNPq, CAPES, NSF (USA) and European Community (Horizon, FP7). Today, researchers trained by the Laboratory are part of teams from Universities and Companies around the world. Several of the results of the research carried out at LSD have been incorporated into
national and foreign companies.
Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Inference in Complex Data (
O hosts and promotes frontier research in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Complex Data Analysis and Inference (eg, multimedia, social and spatiotemporal networks), Computational Vision, and Digital Forensic Analysis.
Discovery Lab
O Discovery is a multidisciplinary laboratory, which supports faculty members, students and industry participants from various fields, including civil and mechanical engineering, applied mathematics and others. High performance computing, efficient cryptography, cloud computing, virtualization, computational thinking, Internet of Things, energy efficient computing are some of the topics investigated in the lab.
Laboratory of Image Data Science (LIDS)
LIDS conducts interdisciplinary research involving the processing, analysis and visualization of multidimensional image data from all areas of Science and Engineering, such as Biology, Medicine, Geology and Agriculture. Research in image processing, visual analysis, machine learning and pattern recognition includes the specialist as an important part of the machine learning cycle. This strategy aims at the design of explanatory systems for decision making and decision support (for example, biomedical diagnostic systems), where the machine can clarify its advantages and limitations, and specialists in the areas involved can understand, predict and trust actions of the machine.
Laboratory for Software Engineering and Reliability (LASER)
LASER conducts both theoretical and applied research and is interested in topics with high impact in the research communities in Software and Systems Engineering, as well as in their application and transfer to Industry. The areas of interest are: software architecture and microservices, continuous software engineering (Agile, DevOps and Lean), Experimental Software engineering, model-oriented engineering (MDA / MDE), software testing (performance, robustness and security), performance and reliability assessment and fault tolerant / resilient systems.
Human-Digital Artifact Interaction Laboratory
LInterHAD works in the following research areas: Human-Computer Interaction, Organizational Semiotics, Usability and Accessibility, Universal Design, Digital Inclusion, Semantic Web, Pragmatic Web, Social Web, Motivational Aspects and Culture and values in technology design.
Robotics and Cognitive Systems Laboratory (LaRoCS)