Teacher Support

Rules involved

Resolution CONSU-A-056/2020 of 24/11/2020

Resolution CONSU-A-002/2001 of 27/03/2001

Resolution GR-012/2015 of 07/07/2015

Internal Rules of the Extension Commission

Procedures for Provision of Services

The total number of hours cannot exceed 20% of the minimum workload of the RDIDP regime, calculated annually.

The following fees will apply to the amounts received: PIDS 8%; FAEPEX 3%, AIU 5% and Funcamp 6,5% = total 22,5%

Carrying out the Provision of Services

1. The professor must forward to the Extension Office:

a) letter of invitation from the company with a work plan

b) request form for the provision of services/simultaneous activity (available on intranet)

2. Documents are forwarded to:

– Opinion of COEX on the merits of Extension*

– Approval in the Department regarding concurrent activity

– Approval of the Congregation.

3. The Secretariat makes the request for receiving resources, via the Funcamp system;

4. Funcamp issues the invoice to the company and collects the fees upon receipt;

5. The Secretariat makes requests for purchases and services, payments and grant holders as described in the work plan, via the Funcamp system.

*COEX's opinion will not be required in the case of activities in research and development agreements