Regulations and Regulations
- IC Internal Regulations
- Regulation of IC Laboratories
- CSARH-IC Rules
- Rules of the IC Informatics Commission
- Internal Regulations of the IC Extension Commission
- 2020 Budget Proposal
- Research Committee Regulations
Elections / Consultations
- Electoral Rules for Heads of Departments and IC Coordinators
- Electoral Norms for the Composition of the Congregation
- Electoral Rules for the Composition of CSARH-IC
- IC Elections and Consultations through the e-Voting System
- IC 2022 Electoral Commission
- IC 2021 Electoral Commission
- Regulation for the Academic Recognition Award "Zeferino Vaz" and Teacher Recognition Award for Dedication to Undergraduate Education
- Regulation for the Proec University Extension Award
- Proec Extension Award Guide
- Criteria for the composition of Zeferino Vaz Academic Recognition boards
- Criteria and procedures for selecting candidates for Institutional Awards
- Digital delivery of documentation for registration in External Awards
- Conducting Virtual Meetings for Evaluation Committees
- Annual Calendar for Nominations for External Awards
- IC's Internal Award System
- Internal IC Awards
- Criteria for the Functional Excellence Award
Public Selection Processes
- Criteria for Conducting a Public Tender for a Doctor Professor
- Flow for Professor Doctor Contest
- Flow for Contest for Obtaining the title of Free Lecturer
- Mechanisms for holding a Competition/Promotion based on Merit Full Professor MS-6
- Chart (Approved by CAD Resolution No. 645/2019)
- Strategic Plan for the Institute of Computing / PLANES 2021-2025
- Strategic Plan for the Institute of Computing / PLANES 2016-2020
- Institutional representation of the IC for the reception of visiting delegations
- Definitions of Assignments of the Computing Institute Areas
- CAA Members Term of Office
- Term of Office and CDI Members 01/09/2021 to 29/06/2023
- Procedures for Approval of Unicamp Programs PPPD – PROFFC – PVC – PQC
- Management report 2023 – 100 days
- Management report 2019/2023 – 3rd Year
- Management report 2019/2023 – 2rd Year
- Management report 2019/2023 – 1rd Year
- Alumni Scholarship Report
Teaching Life
- Guideline for fruition of Premium License
- Flow for Special Sabbath License Application
- Flow for Request for Granting the Title of Prof. Emeritus
- Rules for Preparing Opinions on Periodic Activity Reports by the CG
- Metric Systems for Assessment of Activity Reports by CPG
- Academic Profile of the IC Teaching Career
- Flow, schedule and allocation of resources for Promotion by Merit for levels MS3.2, MS5.1, MS5.2 and MS5.3
- Digital delivery of documentation Promotion by Merit
- Mandatory presentation of Documentation Supporting Teacher Promotion
- Conducting Virtual Meetings for Evaluation Committees