Business Administration

Director: Prof. doctor Leandro Aparecido Villas
Associate Director: Profa. Dr. Esther Luna Colombini
Secretary: Fernando Carvalho Alves
Unit Technical Coordinator: Carolina Marcondes Neves
Administrative coordinator: Elias Borges by Athayde Drummond
Computer Coordinator: William Lima Reiznautt



Composition of CSARH-IC
Prof. Dr. Esther Luna Colombini (President)
André Luis Affonso (Elected) 
Cristiane Marques Ortiz de Camargo (Elected)
Denise Fernanda Scalon Coutinho (Nominated)

Composition of the Academic Assessment Committee (CAA)
President: Prof. Dr. Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo (DSC)
Vice President: Prof. Dr. Orlando Lee (DTC)
Member: Prof. Dr. Jacques Wainer (DSI)

Prof. Dr. Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira (DSC)
Prof. Dr. João Meidanis (DTC)
Professor Dr. Anderson de Rezende Rocha (DSI)