- 1988 - Participation of Prof. Tomasz Kowaltowski at the Seminar “Brazil XNUMXst Century”
- 1989 - Report on Unicamp alumni with the participation of Prof. Helio Pedrini
- 1989 - Prof. Tomasz Kowaltowski charges Jornal da Unicamp with coverage of DCC activities
- 1992 - Profs. Tomasz Kowaltowski, Cláudio Leonardo Lucchesi and Ricardo Anido develop spelling checker
- 1994 - Report on the 25 years of the DCC
- 1994 - Text signed by Prof. Tomasz Kowaltowski in the Jornal da Unicamp on the importance of the Softex 2000 Center in Campinas, opened as part of the celebrations of DCC's 25 years of teaching and research
- 1996 - Report on the creation of the Computing Institute as Unicamp's 20th unit
- 1996 - Report on aid in police investigation of animal game, in which Prof. Ricardo Anido analyzed the software used in equipment seized in police operations
- 1996 - Report on the differences between the curricula of computer courses, with the participation of Prof. Tomasz Kowaltowski
- 1996 - Prof. Cláudia Bauzer Medeiros coordinates Geotec, a national geoprocessing program
- 1997 - Report on the inauguration of the first CI director, Prof. Tomasz Kowaltowski, and report on the installation of SunSite in Brazil, based at IC
- 1997 - Report on the approval by PRONEX of the project “Advanced Information Systems - SAI”, coordinated by Prof. Tomasz Kowaltowski
- 1997 - Reporting report for the Programming Marathon
- 1998 - Report entitled “Unicamp coordinates genetic sequencing project” addresses the beginning of the project that led to the complete genetic sequencing of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, carried out with the participation of the IC Bioinformatics Laboratory (LBI), coordinated by professors João Carlos Setúbal and João Meidanis
- 1998 - Reports, with the participation of Prof. Paulo Lício de Geus, on a security program to prevent fraud in the vote counting of electronic ballot boxes, developed by INPE and CTA
- 1999 - Report on the publication of the book “Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology” by professors João Carlos Setúbal and João Meidanis, which was adopted by foreign universities
- 1999 - Interview with Prof. Arthur João Catto, then President of CTI
- 1999 - Research report entitled “Introduction of Security Mechanisms in electronic mail systems”, guided by professors Cláudio Leonardo Lucchesi and Luiz Eduardo Buzato
- 1999 - Reporting article for the 12th Sibgrapi (Brazilian Congress of Computer Graphics and Image Processing) and IHC (Human Computer Interaction), organized by IC and FEEC
- 1999 - Report published in Folha de São Paulo about the Santista award received by Prof. Cláudio Leonardo Lucchesi
- 1999 - Report on the Santista award received by Prof. Cláudio Leonardo Lucchesi
- 1999 - Disclosure of OBI
- 1999 - Report with Prof. Cláudio Leonardo Lucchesi, winner of the 44th Santista award
- 1999 - Report on TelEduc, a tool developed under the coordination of Profa. Heloísa Vieira da Rocha
- 1999 - Report on the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the IC and on the computer engineering and computer science courses of having been the champions in excellence in the ranking of Info Exame magazine. This edition also highlights the realization of the second stage of OBI, organized by the IC
- 1999 - Report on the inauguration of ReMet-Campinas (Metropolitan Network of High Speed of Campinas), whose project had the participation of the A-hand
- 2000 - Report on the complete genetic sequencing of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, carried out with the participation of the IC Bioinformatics Laboratory (LBI), coordinated by professors João Carlos Setúbal and João Meidanis
- 2000 - Jornal da Unicamp publishes a report entitled “The backstage of Xylella”, with interviews with the coordinators of the Genona Project, including professors João Meidanis and João Setubal on bioinformatics
- 2000 - Report on the consequences of success in sequencing the DNA of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, with the participation of Prof. João Carlos Setubal
- 2000 - Report at “Unicamp Week” highlighting the publication, for the first time in its history, in which Brazilian science has an article on the cover of Nature. The paper concluding the genetic sequencing of the bacterium Xyella fastidiosa, whose author is Professor João Carlos Setúbal, and with the participation of Prof. João Meidanis, was the highlight of the edition distributed on July 13
- 2000 - Report on the publication in the British magazine Nature, as a cover story, of an article with the results of the effort of 116 scientists from São Paulo institutions, Unicamp among them, in obtaining the sequencing of the genes of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, with the participation of teachers João Meidanis and João Carlos Setubal, who was the author responsible for the article
- 2000 - Report published in “Unicamp Week” about the seminar “Bioinformatics: the bottleneck of the Genome”, promoted by CGU and presented by Prof. João Meidanis
- 2000 - Report on the donation received by Prof. Guido Araújo from Conexant Systems Inc, to be used in LSC projects
- 2000 - Report on the inauguration of a virtual laboratory for teachers and students from public schools, created in partnership with the Vale do Futuro Institute