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MO412 / MC908 - Network Science

Instructor: Joao Meidanis, meidanis at unicamp dot br

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7-9pm, online. Check Graduate Schedule

First Semester, 2021

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This is an introductory course on Network Science. We will closely follow Barabási's book, a classic in the field.

We will follow an online model of education. The instructor will record pieces of lectures, based on slides, and make them available to students beforehand, together with the slides in PDF. Students can watch these pieces at their own convenience. During class, we will have a videoconference for comments, questions, and suggestions, but attendance will not be required. However, we invite all students to join our first remote class on March 16th for general information and course outline. Please send email to the instructor to receive the meet link for the first class.

For their own presentations, students will follow a similar course of action. They will produce videos with their presentations, based on the guidelines, and make them available to the instructor. Assingments will be handed-out via our Google Classroom. Students may hand-in their assignments via Classroom also or by a private email to the instructor.

Office hours

By appointment only.

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Program and Schedule

MO412A Graph Algs. / Network Sci. 1st. Term

MC908A Special Topics: Comp. Theory 2021

Instructor: João Meidanis

PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE Last Modified 2021-03-15

Mo/We Date Topic Book Chapter
Tue Mar 16 Course Outline
Thu Mar 18 Introduction (slides) 1 (video)
Tue Mar 23 Calculus: derivatives, integrals (slides) (video)
Thu Mar 25 Differential equations (slides) (video)
Tue Mar 30 Graph Theory (slides) 2 (video)
Thu Apr 01 Holiday
Tue Apr 06 Graph Theory (slides) 2 (video)
Thu Apr 08 Graph Theory (slides) 2 (video1) (video2)
Tue Apr 13 Random Networks (slides) 3 (video1) (video2)
Thu Apr 15 Random Networks (slides1) (slides2) 3 (video1) (video2)
Tue Apr 20 Scale-free property (slides) 4 (video1) (video2)
Thu Apr 22 Class Network: hand out
Tue Apr 27 Scale-free property (slides) 4 (video3) (video4)
Thu Apr 29 Barabasi-Albert (slides) 5 (video)
Tue May 04 Hands-on class (Gephi) (video)
Thu May 06 Preliminary Project Presentation
Tue May 11 Barabasi-Albert (slides) 5 (video)
Thu May 13 Evolving Networks (slides) 6 (video)
Tue May 18 Evolving Networks (slides) 6 (video)
Thu May 20 Degree correlations (slides) 7 (video)
Tue May 25 Degree correlations (slides) 7 (video)
Thu May 27 Class Network: hand in
Tue Jun 01 Network Robustness (slides) 8 (video)
Thu Jun 03 Holiday
Tue Jun 08 Network Robustness (slides) 8 (video)
Thu Jun 10 Communities (slides) 9 (video)
Tue Jun 15 Communities (slides) 9 (video)
Thu Jun 17 Spreading Phenomena (slides) 10 (video)
Tue Jun 22 Spreading Phenomena (slides) 10 (video)
Thu Jun 24 Spreading Phenomena (slides) 10 (video)
Tue Jun 29 Quiz
Thu Jul 01 Final Project Presentations
Tue Jul 06 Final Project Presentations
Thu Jul 08 Final Project Presentations
Tue Jul 13 Study week
Thu Jul 15 Study week
Tue Jul 20 Exam
Thu Jul 22

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Grading will be based on a number of Assignments, a Quiz, and Final Project. The Assignments are individual, but the Final Project is to be carried out by a group of 2 students, preferably with different backgrounds. If the number of students in the class is odd, we will allow one group with 3 members. In the Final Project, the group will select a network of interest, map it out, and analyze it.

The Quiz will be administered with multiple choice questions created by the students, and possibly edited by the instructor, collected in our Official Quiz Blog. The Assignments are of two different types. The first type consists in solving homework problems assigned weekly by the instructor. The second type consists in analyzing the class network, which will be given to all students at an appropriate time during the semester.

For the Final Project, the groups must present their work as a 10-minute presentation on video, describing the data, how it was collected, several measures about the network, and insights gained by doing the analysis. The video presentation must begin by stating the title, name of group members, their program, and the date.

There will be midterm Preliminary Project Presentations to help groups refine their plans. For these, groups must prepare 5-minute presentations, based on no more than 5 slides. Further guidelines about the Assignments / Final Project will be given during the course.

Each type of assignment will give rise to a numeric grade in the range 0 to 10. The contributions of each type to the final grade are as follows:

Type 1 (Homework)30%
Type 2 (Class Network)  15%
Type 3 (Quiz)15%
Final Project40%

Numeric grades will be converted to letter grades accorging to the following scheme:

8.5 to 10  A
7 to 8.5B
5 to 7C
0 to 5D

Late penalties

For any of the Assignments, there will be penalties for late work. People who do not hand in their solutions on time will incur a late penalty of 20% of the grade per day, computed proportionally with the granularity of 1 minute. So you are 1 day late your penalty is 20%; 2 days late, 40%; 1 hour late, 0.833%; and so on.


Any attempt at fraud in this course will entail final grade equal to zero for all involved, with possible additional sanctions, as deemed necessary by the University administration.

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Network Science. Albert-László Barabási. Cambridge University Press, 2016.

Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein. The MIT Press, 2009.

Algorithms, 4th Edition. Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2011.

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Network Icon from PNGFLY.