Address at the University:

Institute of Computing (IC) - University of Campinas

(IC - UNICAMP) Caixa Postal 6176 13084-971 Campinas, SP - Brazil


(55)(19) 3521-5855 (office)
(55)(19) 3521-5840 (secretary)
(55)(19) 3521-5847 (fax)

E-mail: cmbm at ic dot unicamp dot br


Ongoing Projects

(for more information, check the LIS projects site)

  • BioCORE - Tools, models and techniques to support research in biodiversity. Financed by CNPq - Grand Challenges in Computer Science (started dec 2007}

Last updated on Oct 31, 2008. Disclaimer: This is a personal page, and not an official UNICAMP's page. Its contents are of entire responsibility of Claudia Bauzer Medeiros.