1;2c Jacques Wainer Publications

My most likely up-to-date list of publications

Lattes CV

My publications in some bibliography servers

My data at Google Scholar Citations service

My data at ACM Guide

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My data at Microsoft Academic server

My data at Scopus (requires subscription) Scopus Author ID 7004361186

My data at ResearchID B-4241-2012



ACM DL Author-ize serviceHow productivity and impact differ across computer science subareas
Jacques Wainer, Michael Eckmann, Siome Goldenstein, Anderson Rocha
Communications of the ACM, 2013

What happens to computer science research after it is published? Tracking CS research lines

Jacques Wainer, Eduardo Valle

Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol 64 Issue 6

Local copy

Algorithms for anomaly detection of traces in logs of process aware information systems

Fábio Bezerra, Jacques Wainer

Information Systems Volume 38, Issue 1, March 2013, Pages 33–44

Local copy

Correlations between bibliometrics and peer evaluation for all disciplines: the evaluation of Brazilian scientists

Jacques Wainer, Paula Vieira

Scientometrics (online)

Local copy

Avaliação de bolsas de produtividade do CNPq e medidas bibliométricas: correlações para todas as grandes áreas

Jacques Wainer, Paula Vieira

Perspecitvas em Ciencia da Informação, v. 18, n. 2. (In Portuguese)

Open access

A Combination of Support Vector Machine and K-Nearest Neighbors for Machine Fault Detection

Amaury B. Andre, Eduardo Beltrame, Jacques Wainer

Applied Artificial Intelligence, Volume 27, Issue 1,

Local copy


Points of Interest and Visual Dictionaries for Automatic Retinal Lesion Detection

Rocha, A. Carvalho, T. ; Jelinek, H.F. ; Goldenstein, S. ; Wainer, J.

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume:59 , Issue: 8, p. 2244 - 2253

Investigations on Stochastic Information Control Nets

Clarence A. Ellis, Kwanghoon Kim, Aubrey Rembert, Jacques Wainer

Information Sciences v. 194, p. 120-137

Relationship between high-quality journals and conferences in computer vision

Michael Eckmann , Anderson Rocha , Jacques Wainer

Scientometrics 90(2),p. 617-630

Local copy


Patterns of bibliographic references in the ACM published papers

Jacques Wainer, Henrique Przibisczki de Oliveira and Ricardo Anido

Information Processing & Management, v. 47, p. 135-142

Local copy

ST-Audit: guideline-based automatic auditing of electronic patient records

Cleo Zanella Billa and Jacques Wainer and Claudia Barsottini

Journal of Intelligent Information Systems Volume 36 Issue 1

Local copy


Automatic fruit and vegetable classification from images

Anderson Rocha and Daniel C. Hauagge and Jacques Wainer and Siome Goldenstein

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Volume 70 Issue 1

Ethnic Digital Exclusion in Brazil: National and Regional Data from 2001 to 2004.

Jacques Wainer and Andre Covic

Information Technologies and International Development v. 6, p. 34-47, 2010.

Open access


Brazilian Computer Science research: gender and regional distributions

Denis Arruda, Fabio Bezerra, Vania Almeida Neris, Patricia Rocha de Toro, and Jacques Wainer

Scientometrics Volume 79, Number 3, 651-665,

Local copy

Scientific Production in Computer Science: A comparative study between Brazil and other countries

Jacques Wainer, Eduardo C. Xavier and Fabio Bezerra

Scientometrics Volume 81, Number 2, 535-547.

Local copy

Empirical evaluation in Computer Science research published by ACM

Jacques Wainer,Claudia G. Novoa Barsottini, Danilo Lacerda and Leandro Rodrigues Magalhães de Marco

Information and Software Technology Volume 51, Issue 6, June 2009, Pages 1081-1085

Local copy


Security Requirements for a Lifelong Electronic Health Record System: An Opinion

J. Wainer, C.J.R. Campos, M.D.U. Salinas and D. Sigulem

The Open Medical Informatics Journal, Volume 2, 2008

Local copy

Too much computer and Internet use is bad for your grades, especially if you are young and poor: Results from the 2001 Brazilian SAEB

Jacques Wainer, Tom Dwyer, and others

Computers & Education. Volume 51, Issue 4, December 2008, Pages 1417-1429.

Local copy

Processos de Decisão de Markov: um tutorial

Jeronimo Pellegrini, Jacques Wainer

Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada, Vol. 14, No 2, 2007. In portuguese.

open access

Computador de Mão: Um Recurso Didático na Graduação em Medicina

Daniel Lico dos Anjos Afonso, Monica Parente Ramos, Jacques Wainer

Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação,Vol. 16 (3) 2008. In Portuguese.

open access

Uso de computadores no ensino fundamental e médio e seus resultados empíricos: uma revisão sistemática da literatura

Andre Covic and Jacques Wainer and Tom Dwyer

Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, Vol. 16(1) 2008. In portuguese.

Local copy

Princípios que devem reger um prontuário único do paciente

J Wainer, C.J.R. Campos, F. Lichtenstein and D. Sigulem

Revista TEXTOS de la CiberSociedad, volume 16 2008. In Portuguese

open access


Empirical research in CSCW - a review of the ACM/CSCW conferences from 1998 to 2004.

Jacques Wainer and Claudia Barsottini

Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, v. 13, p. 27-36, 2007.

Local copy

Desvendando mitos: os computadores e o desempenho no sistema escolar

Tom Dwyer, Jacques Wainer, Rodrigo Silveira Dutra; André Covic; Valdo B. Magalhães; Luiz Renato Ribeiro Ferreira; Valdiney Alves Pimenta; Kleucio Claudio

Educação& Sociedade, vol.28 no.101. In Portuguese.

Open access.

Scheduling meetings through multi-agent negotiations

Jacques Wainer and Paulo Roberto Ferreira Jr. and Everton Rufino Constantino

Decision Support Systems Volume 44, Issue 1, November 2007, Pages 285-297

Local copy

DW-RBAC: A formal security model of delegation and revocation in workflow systems

Jacques Wainer and Akhil Kumar and Paulo Barthelmess

Information Systems, 32(3), 365-384, 2007.

Local copy

Modeling generalized implicatures using non-monotonic logics

Jacques Wainer

Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 16(2), 195 - 216 , 2007.

Local copy

Model of design rationale for outpatient medical care

Cleo Billa, Claudia Barsottini and Jacques Wainer

Scientia, 8(2), 2007.

Local copy


Decision support system for the diagnosis of schizophrenia disorders

Razzouk, D.; Mari, J. J.; Shirakawa, I.; Wainer, J.; Sigulem, D.

Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 39, 119 - 128, 2006. Open access.


Meta workflows as a control and coordination mechanism for exception handling in workflow systems

Akhil Kumar and Jacques Wainer

Decision Support Systems, 40(1), 89-105,

2005. Local copy


W-RBAC: A Workflow Security Model Incorporating Controlled Overriding of Constraints

Jacques Wainer, Akhil Kumar and Paulo Barthelmess

International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 12(4), 455-485, 2003.

Local copy

A Fully Distributed Architecture for Large Scale Workflow Enactment

Roberto Silveira Silva Filho, Jacques Wainer, Edmundo R. M. Madeira

International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, Vol. 12(4), 411-440, 2003. Local copy

A Reuse-Oriented Workflow Definition Language

Marie-José Blin, Jacques Wainer, Claudia Bauzer Medeiros

International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 12(1), 1-36, 2003. Local copy

Knowledge acquisition in schizophrenia: clinical reasoning patterns among three experts

Denise Razzouk, Jair de Jesus Mari, Itiro Shirakawa, Jacques Wainer, Daniel Sigulem

Schizophrenia Research, 63(3), 295-296, 2003.

Before 2003

Proclets: a framework for lightweight interacting workflow processes

W. M. P. van der Aalst, P. Barthelmess, C. A. Ellis, J. Wainer

nternational Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 10(4) 443-481, 2001.

Fuzzy Temporal/Categorical Information in Diagnosis

Jacques Wainer and Sandra Sandri

Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 13(1-2), 9-26, 1999. Local copy

Automatic theory formation in graph theory

Hemerson Pistori and Jacques Wainer

Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 6, 14 - 20, 1999. Open access.

A temporal extension to the parsimonious covering theory

Jacques Wainer and Alexandre de Melo Rezende

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 10(3), 235-255, 1997. Local copy

Goal based models of colaboration

Clarence Ellis and Jacques Wainer

Collaborative Computing, 1, 61 - 83, 1994.

Book and Book Chapters

Métodos de pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa para a ciência computação.

Jacques Wainer

in Tomasz Kowaltowski and Karin Breitman. (Org.). Atualização em informática 2007. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação e Editora PUC-Rio, 2007. In portuguese. p. 221-262. Local copy

Person-to-person processes: computer-supported collaborative work

Clarence Ellis, Paulo Barthelmess, Jin Chen and Jacques Wainer

in Process-aware Information Systems, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2005, p. 37-60

O paradoxo da produtividade

Jacques Wainer

in Informatica, Organizações e Sociedade no Brasil, Cortez Editora, 2003 (in portuguese). Local copy

Informatica, Organizações e Sociedade no Brasil

Ruben, G., Wainer, J., Dwyer, T.

Cortez Editora, 2003 (in portuguese).

Agent-Augmented Meetings

Clarence Ellis and Jacques Wainer and Paulo Barthelmess

in Agent supported cooperative work, Yiming Ye and Elizabeth Churchill ed. Kluwer Academic Press, 2003

Groupware and computer supported cooperative work

Clarence Ellis and Jacques Wainer

in Multiagent systems: a modern approach to distributed artificial intelligence, Gerhard Weiss ed, MIT Press, 1999

Conferences and Workshops

Under construction