Hacking at the Voynich manuscript - Side notes 048 Mapping Stolfi locators to the original Landini locators Last edited on 1998-12-27 07:03:47 by stolfi MAPPING STOLFI'S LOCATORS TO ORIGINAL LANDINI'S In the passage from Landini's interlinear to Stolfi's EVA version, the locators were changed almost beyond recognition, e.g. by the inclusion of unit tags, renaming of units, line rearrangements, etc.. One drawback of his change is that it makes it very difficult to map the many line-breaking bugs that were found in the FSG/SSG transcriptions back to Landini's interlinear. Thus I decided to create a table that maps Landini's location codes to Stolfi's, and use it to map the FSG/SSG bug-fix log (unit f0.W) to Landini locations and FSG encoding. To build the table, I used the same trick that I used for merging Takeshi's file. The first step was to create copies of both files with the text truncated to 10-20 chars and pages of uniform size. (During this step I had to fix some locator bugs in Landini's file.) cat ../000/intrln16-eva.evt \ | sed \ -e 's/f88R.3/f88r.3/g' \ -e 's/r88r.10/f88r.10/g' \ -e 's/<68v3//d' \ | best-pick \ | sync-clip-evt -v pageSize=170 \ > lan.clp dicio-wc sto.clp lan.clp grep '##' sto.clp > sto.pages grep '##' lan.clp > lan.pages diff sto.pages lan.pages Then I pasted the two files side-by-side: /n/gnu/bin/paste -d' ' lan.clp sto.clp \ | sed -e 's/^ *$//' \ | cat -s \ > lan-sto.clp Finally I used emacs rectangle edit to adjust the matching. Eventually I removed the truncated texts, and saved the location pairs as the file lan-sto-locs.tbl. With some ad-hoc unix hacking and emacs touch-ups, I converted f0.W to use Landini's location codes. To complete the task, I need to convert the quoted text in f0.W back to FSG notation.