# Pages 26r and 26v of the Herbal-B section of the Voynich manuscript
# Last edited on 1998-07-15 04:03:04 by stolfi
# Transcription by Friedman/The Fisrt Study Group ("F"), 
# and Jorge Stolfi("U"), the latter from Jacques Guy's 
# image gallery.

# Filtered through 20 stages of Jim Reed's compression algorithm
# confined to the interior of words. 
# Substitutions performed, in order:
#   A = ch (    968)  K = ol (    307)
#   B = dy (    934)  L = al (    256)
#   C = ai (    581)  M = ot (    234)
#   D = ok (    529)  N = qD (    226)
#   E = eB (    456)  O = or (    180)
#   F = Ci (    449)  P = ey (    174)
#   G = Fn (    429)  Q = AB (    172)
#   H = ar (    410)  R = dG (    154)
#   I = sh (    365)  S = oB (    146)
#   J = Ae (    307)  T = Ie (    139)

<f26r.P.1;F>       pTDy_ odFr_ qoy_ ofseod_ AypJy_ ypAE_ Cn_ Aofo_ AcphB_
<f26r.P.2;F>       dJy_ R_ adeeS_ ykecthP_ AE_ ytE_ B_ JcthE_ lr_
<f26r.P.3;F>       oG_ Icthy_ cthE_ Koy_ ykeE_ KAE_ dL_ y_ TP_ sG_ s_
<f26r.P.4;F>       NE_ Jos_ ytE_ NE_ ytE_ JkE_ R_ odam_ s_ LB_
<f26r.P.5;F>       sG_ IE_ eE_ eE_ sAy_ R_ cthE_ NeE_ NE_ cthP_
<f26r.P.6;F>       rAE_ NE__

<f26r.P.7;F>       pAo_ NE_ dH_ To_ ypAseds_ s_ G_ IapAE_ fAy_ dL_ AE_ sH_
<f26r.P.8;F>       R_ IE_ NeE_ qMeedH_ s_ D_ K_ ME_ NoE_ NE_
<f26r.P.9;F>       tJo_ Iy_ deE_ DE_ Ackhy_ s_ B_ B_ ykeeAy_ DeE_ Jk_ y_
<f26r.P.10;F>      Tse_ G_ Tos_ JS_ ML_
<f26v.P.1;U>       pJdH_ qodHy_ o_**iin_ fJety_ s_ Cr_ IE_ ypAE_ ypQ_ qopy_ IB_
<f26v.P.2;U>       s_ HFr_ JkE_ NE_ ME_ sHy_ cthB_ NE_ O_ H_** Lys_ AE__

<f26v.P.3;U>       pAdH_ opH_ dH_ JeK_ ofQ_ ME_ ckhB_ odH_ AE_ ytE_ DQ_ m_
<f26v.P.4;U>       yckheS_ NE_ deP_ sLB_ DedO_ O_ Jos_ OG_ Deo_ JkG__

<f26v.P.5;U>       deeK_ eeeS_ qMeE_ NS_ qME_ qME_ opAE_ ofAy_ As_ H_
<f26v.P.6;U>       toeE_ keS_ IE_ dH_ AE_ sJs_ O_ eeeeky_ dH_ Jy_ Jky_ ytQ__

<f26v.P.7;U>       pAE_ dH_ Joet_ Ay_ sCr_ Jes_ odFin_ AkeeP_ ykP_ TP_
<f26v.P.8;U>       teeE_ Deeos_ Jeos_ ysG_ DJP_ keS_ s_ G_ Jeos_ Nes_ Oy__

<f26v.P.9;U>       yTP_ DeIy_ IS_ pIP_ tSB__

# Color key:
#    8.500   or more bits
#    7.500 to  8.499 bits
#    6.500 to  7.499 bits
#    5.500 to  6.499 bits
#    4.500 to  5.499 bits
#    3.500 to  4.499 bits
#    2.500 to  3.499 bits
#    1.500 to  2.499 bits
#    0.500 to  1.499 bits
#    0.000 to  0.499 bits

# full text: 12684 characters (including fillers)
# context: left = 1 right = 1  (order = 3)
# alphabet size: actual = 40
# mean conditional entropy h_3:  2.890 bits/character