# Last edited on 2011-06-01 17:48:46 by stolfilocal This directory contains temporary transcriptions of the Fukushima Daiichi reactor parameters from NISA press releases. File N{XXX}.txt contains data from press release {XXX}. The URL and release date (usually much later than the data readout times) are given at the top of the file. The contents of these files is soon transfered to the main data files ${HOME}/projects/fukushima/plots/{RELEASE}/{QUANT}-un{RIX}-t.txt where {RELEASE} is a release date and time, {QUANT} is a tag for a group of commensurable quantities ("pres", "heat", etc.) and {RIX} is the reactor number. See the script {append-new-data.gawk} in some upper directory. Beware that the file formats have changed over time so the older N{XXX}.txt files are no longer compatible with that script and/or with the main data files. Also some data transcription errors (mine and TEPCo's) have been corrected in the main files but not in the N{XXX}.txt files.