# Last edited on 2011-06-22 23:02:08 by stolfi GOAL Plot Brazilian school statistics. IDEB Assuming SHELL="/bin/bash" version="2011-06-22" On ${version}, IDEB data for 2005, 2007, 2009 by UF was copied from the page "http://sistemasideb.inep.gov.br/resultado/" and saved to "data/ideb/${version}.txt". The script "plot-ideb.sh" reads that file and writes "plot/ideb/${version}.png" ENEM On 2011-06-22, fetched ENEM results for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 with script "wget-enem-by-uf.sh". Files ended up in "data/enem-${yr}/*" Opened the files "data/enem-${yr}/TAXAS RENDIMENTO UF ${yr}.xls" with OpenOffice. Saved in CSV format with "|" as field separator as files "data/enem/csv/${yr}.csv". Files only contain pass/fail/drop-out numbers, not enem grades. Deleted all.