% Bibliography on the Voynich manuscript % Last edited on 2007-08-08 22:04:39 by stolfi @misc{til-51-remk, author = {Brig. J. Tiltman}, title = {Untitled remarks}, year = {1951}, note = {Reproduced in D'Imperio, Fig. 27} } @misc{roe-97-para, author = {Mike Roe}, title = {???}, note = {Message to the Voynich mailing list}, year = {<1997?} } @misc{fir-95-note24, author = {Robert Firth}, title = {???}, series = {Notes on the Voynich manuscript}, number = 24, howpublished = {\url{//www.research.att.com/~reeds/voynich/firth/24.txt}}, year = {1995} } @misc{sto-98-okoko, author = {J. Stolfi}, title = {{OKOKOKO}: The fine structure of Voynichese words}, howpublished = {\url{//www.dcc.unicamp.br/~stolfi/voynich/Notes/017/Note-017.html}}, year = {1998} } @misc{sto-97-cbmtalk, author = {J. Stolfi}, title = {The Voynich Manuscript}, howpublished = {\url{//www.dcc.unicamp.br/~stolfi/voynich/99-07-31-cbm99-slides/}, file \url{cbm99-paradigm.ps}}, note = {transparencies from a talk presented at the Brazilian Mathematics Coloquium}, month = jul, year = {1997} } @misc{sto-97-chin, author = {J. Stolfi}, title = {The Generalized Chinese Theory}, howpublished = {\url{//www.dcc.unicamp.br/~stolfi/voynich/97-11-23-tonal/}}, year = {1997} } @misc{sto-97-turkmsg, author = {J. Stolfi}, title = {????}, howpublished = {Messages to the Voynich mailing list, 13.jun.2000}, month = jun, year = {2000} } @misc{sto-98-vinterlin, editor = {J. Stolfi}, title = {The comprehensive interlinear transcription of the VMS}, howpublished = {\url{//www.dcc.unicamp.br/~stolfi/voynich/98-12-28-interln16e6/}}, edition = {6e6}, year = {199?}, month = ??? } @misc{sto-99-majvers, author = {J. Stolfi}, title = {A majority-vote transcription of the VMS}, howpublished = {\url{//www.dcc.unicamp.br/~stolfi/voynich/Notes/045/only-m.zip}}, year = {199?}, month = ??? } @misc{sto-00-wfreqs, author = {J. Stolfi}, title = {Observed word frequencies per section}, howpublished = {\url{//www.dcc.unicamp.br/~stolfi/voynich/Notes/058/prob/obs/}}, year = {2000}, month = ??? } @misc{sto-00-grammar, author = {J. Stolfi}, title = {A grammar for VMS words}, note = {(computer-readable file)}, howpublished = {\url{//www.dcc.unicamp.br/~stolfi/voynich/Notes/058/gram/generic/txt.n/word.grx}}, year = 2000, month = ??? } @article{tho-97-bcode, author = {David E. Thomas}, title = {Hidden Messages and the Bible Code}, journal = {Skeptical Inquirer Magazine}, volume = {21}, number = {6}, month = nov, pages = {--}, year = 1997 } @misc{bei-xxx-vmsc, author = {xxx}, title = {On-Line Catalog}, publisher = {Yale University Libraries, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Collection}, howpublished = {Electronic document at {\url{//www.xxx.xxx/xxx}}}, year = {xxxx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {MS 408} } @misc{bei-xxx-images, author = {xxx}, title = {Image Gallery of the Voynich Manuscript}, publisher = {Yale University}, howpublished = {Electronic document at {\url{//www.xxx.xxx/xxx}}}, year = {xxxx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {MS 408} } @misc{bar-35-image, author = {Georg Baresch}, title = {Untitled letter to {Athanasius} {Kircher} (images)}, incollection = {xxx}, howpublished = {Digital images at {\url{//www.xxx.xx}}}, year = {16xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @misc{bar-35-trans, author = {Georg Baresch}, title = {Untitled letter to {Athanasius} {Kircher}}, note = {English translation}, howpublished = {Electronic document at {\url{//www.xxx.xx}}}, year = {16xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @misc{zan-99-hist, author = {Rene Zandbergen}, title = {The Voynich Mauscript}, howpublished = {Electronic document at {\url{//www.xxx.xx}}}, year = {16xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @misc{ree-92-bibl, author = {James Reeds}, title = {A Bibliography on the {Voynich} {Manuscript}}, howpublished = {Electronic document at {\url{//www.xxx.xx}}}, year = {16xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @misc{ree-92-site, author = {James Reeds}, title = {The {Voynich} {Manuscript}}, howpublished = {Electronic document at {\url{//www.xxx.xx}}}, year = {16xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @misc{sto-98-trans, author = {Jorge Stolfi}, title = {The {Reeds}/{Landini} Interlinear File in {EVA}, Version 1.6e6}, howpublished = {Electronic document at {\url{//www.dcc.unicamp.br/~stolfi/voynich/98-12-28-interln16e6/}}}, year = {1998}, month = dec } @misc{sto-98-oko, author = {Jorge Stolfi}, title = {OKOKOKO: The fine structure of Voynichese words}, howpublished = {Electronic document at {\url{//www.dcc.unicamp.br/~stolfi/voynich/Notes/017/Note-017.html}}}, year = {1998}, month = mar } @misc{lan-xxx-site, author = {Gabriel Landini}, title = {The {European} {Voynich} {Manuscript} {Transcription} Project}, howpublished = {Electronic document at {\url{//www.xxx.xx}}}, year = {16xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @book{sch-xxx-sjhis, author = {xxx Schmidl}, title = {Histori{\ae} Societatis Jesu Bohemi{\ae}}, publisher = {xxx}, year = {16xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @misc{mar-xxx-image, author = {Jan Marek Marci}, title = {Untitled letter to {Athanasius} {Kircher}}, incollection = {xxx}, howpublished = {Digital images at {\url{//www.xxx.xx}}}, year = {16xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @misc{mar-xxx-trans, author = {Jan Marek Marci}, title = {Untitled letter to {Athanasius} {Kircher}}, howpublished = {Electronic document at {\url{//www.xxx.xx}}}, note = {English translation}, year = {16xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @misc{gil-92-email, author = {Jim Gillogly}, title = {The {Voynich} {Manuscript} Mailing List}, howpublished = {Electronic mailing list, address {\url{voynich@rand.org}}}, year = 1992 } @misc{pan-xxx-report, author = {xxx Panofsky}, title = {Informal Report on the Voynich Manuscript}, howpublished = {Private report, communicated by Jams Reeds and available at {\url{//www.xxx.xx}}}, year = {19xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @misc{zan-xxx-pgplot, author = {Rene Zandbergen}, title = {Page Plots xxx}, howpublished = {Electronic document, available at {\url{//www.xxx.xx}}}, year = {19xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @inproceedings{cur-xxx-chars, author = {Prescott Currier}, title = {Character Analysis xxx}, booktitle = {Proceeding of the VMS Workshop}, howpublished = {Electronic document, available at {\url{//www.xxx.xx}}}, year = {19xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @misc{sto-98-ecolor, author = {Jorge Stolfi}, title = {Where Are the Bits? {Local} Entropy Distribution of Various Languages}, howpublished = {Electronic document, available at {\url{//www.dcc.unicamp.br/~stolfi/voynich/98-07-09-local-entropy/}}}, year = {1998}, month = jul } @misc{guy-xxx-alpha, author = {Jacques Guy}, title = {The {Frogguy} Transcription Alphabet}, howpublished = {Electronic document, available at {\url{//www.xxx.xx}}}, year = {19xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @misc{per-xxx-lsc, author = {Mark Perakh and xxx}, title = {Letter Serial Correlation and xxx}, howpublished = {Electronic document, available at {\url{//www.xxx.xx}}}, year = {19xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @article{lan-xxx-spectr, author = {Gabriel Landini}, title = {Spectral Analysis of the VMS xxx}, journal = {Cryptologia}, volume = {(to appear)}, number = {xxx}, year = 2000, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @book{ben-xxx-book, author = {xxx Bennet}, title = {problem-Solving with xxx Computer}, publisher = {xxx}, year = {19xx} } @misc{ixo-xxx-entrop, author = {Dennis xxx}, title = {Entropy Studies xxx}, howpublished = {Electronic document, available at {\url{//www.xxx.xx}}}, year = {19xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @book{stj-xxx-khaz, author = {John Stojko}, title = {Letter's in God's Eye: xxx}, publisher = {xxx}, year = {19xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @book{xxx-xxx-cath, author = {xxx}, title = {xxx}, note = {Cathars}, publisher = {xxx}, year = {19xx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @misc{imp-7x-wkshop, author = {Mary D'Imperio}, title = {Proceedings of the {Voynich} {Manuscript} {Workshop}}, howpublished = {xxx}, year = {197x}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @book{imp-7x-enigm, author = {Mary D'Imperio}, title = {The {Voynich} Manuscript: {An} Elegant Enigma}, publisher = {Aegean Park Press}, year = {197x}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @article{lan-zan-9x-aesc, author = {Gabriel Landini and Rene Zandbergen}, title = {xxx}, journal = {{\AE}sculapius}, publisher = {University of Birmingham, xxx}, year = {199x}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @article{suk-xxx-vcfind, author = {xxx Sukhotin}, title = {An Algorithm for Identifying xxx}, journal = {xxx}, publisher = {xxx}, volume = {xxx}, number = {xxx}, year = {xxx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx} } @article{sch-00-skyt, author = {Bradley E. Schaefer}, title = {The Most Mysterious Astronomical Manuscript}, journal = {Sky {\&} Telescope}, publisher = {Sky Publishing Corporation}, volume = 100, number = 5, year = 2000, month = nov, pages = {40--43} } @article{gro-99-lfran, author = {Lev Grossman}, title = {When Words Fail}, journal = {Lingua Franca}, publisher = {xxx}, volume = 9, number = 3, year = 1999, month = apr, pages = {xxx--xxx}, note = {Also available at {\url{//www.linguafranca.com/9904/grossman.html}}} } @article{xxx-xx-wall, author = {xxx}, title = {xxx}, journal = {The Wall Street Journal}, volume = {xxx}, number = {xxx}, year = {xxx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} } @article{ree-xxx-etext, author = {James Reeds}, title = {Recovery of Friedman's xxx}, journal = {Cryptologia}, volume = {xxx}, number = {xxx}, year = {xxx}, month = {xxx}, pages = {xxx--xxx} }