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Scientific Initiation (2002/2003)

Project title: Development of a Quantum Algorithm Simulator using Conventional Computing.

Advisors: Prof. Antonio Maria Pereira de Resende and Prof. Antonio Tavares da Costa Júior (UFLA).

Documents | Presentations | Resumes | SAQua | Selected texts


Project body
Project body presented to PIBIC/CNPq and aproved to the year 2002/2003.

373.0 KB


Project cover
Project cover presented to PIBIC/CNPq and aproved to the year 2002/2003.

92.0 KB


CNPq's final report
Final report presented to CNPq on August 14th, 2003

368.0 KB




Cicesal's presentation I
Presentation in XVI Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UFLA (CICESAL) in June, 2003

605.0 KB


Cicesal's presentation II
Presentation in XVI Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UFLA (CICESAL) in June, 2003

888.0 KB




Development of a Quantum Algorithm Simulator using Conventional Computing
Resume published in XVI Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UFLA (CICESAL) proceedings in June, 2003

67.0 KB


The miniaturizing silicon chips limits and the Quantum Computing promises
Resume published in XVI Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UFLA (CICESAL) proceedings in June, 2003

47.0 KB




Snapshot of the SAQua (Quantum Algorithm Simulator)

190.0 KB


Some instructions to use the SAQua.

1.0 KB


SAQua is a quantum algorithm simulator developed in Java language. In this download are available the executable and the source files.

816.0 KB



Selected texts

Beyond bits: the future of quantum information processing
Andrew M. Steane.

377.0 KB


An Introduction to Quantum Computing for Non-Physicists
Eleanor Rieffel & Wolfgang Polak.

272.0 KB


100 Anos dos Mistérios Quânticos
Max Tegmark e John Archibald Wheeler.

653.0 KB


What is Quantum Computation
John Sansom.

59.1 KB

