In order to install T2 Viewer, make sure: ======================================== 1) A properly installed Linux system, with development tools included, such as GCC 3.3.2 (or later) and Qt Designer 3.2 (or later), is running; 2) A complete working installation of CGAL library ( version 3.0.1 or later is available. The CGAL_MAKEFILE environment variable, which is part of the installation process, must be properly set, and Qt support (with THREAD_SUPPORT on) must also be enabled; 3) The extension of CGAL to the Oriented Projective Plane ( is properly installed into CGAL's directories tree; 4) A video card and the corresponding drivers with support to the OpenGL interface are properly installed. Installation steps: =================== 1) Determine where the file is located (just type "locate") and copy its path into T2 Viewer's "Makefile", to the end of the line "export GLU_DIR =". Any text editor should do. (The path to may vary between Linux distributions.) For example, it might be: "export GLU_DIR = /usr/X11R6/lib/". 2) While in T2 Viewer's directory, run "make". This will compile and install T2 Viewer, and it may take around five minutes. 3) After step 2), you may, optionally, run "make clean" to remove intermediate binary files created during the compilation which are no longer needed, for running T2 Viewer. Uninstallation: =============== 1) While in T2 Viewer's directory, run "make remove". Running T2 Viewer: ================== 1) Go to the following directory: /lib/ For example: "CGAL-3.0.1/lib/i686_Linux-2.6.3-7mdk_g++-3.3.2". 2) Run "T2ViewerServer". Modifications to CGAL's directory tree: ======================================= During the installation process, T2 Viewer makes a few modifications to CGAL's directory tree. These are: 1) The files "T2CommonTypes.h" and "T2Viewer.h" are copied to /include/CGAL/IO 2) The files "/scripts/create_makefile" and "/make/makefile_" are patched in order to produce makefiles that enable CGAL's applications to compile and link with T2 Viewer. However, the original files are kept with extension ".original". During the uninstallation process, all modifications described here are reversed; leaving CGAL's directory tree in exactly the same state as it was prior to the installation of T2 Viewer. Enjoy! -- Fabio Pakk Selmi-Dei