@techreport{TR-IC-PFG-23-40, number = {IC-PFG-23-40}, author = {Antonio Gabriel da Silva {Fernandes} and Charles Opps and Breno Bernard Nicolau de {França}}, title = {{SLiTer: A Static Analysis Tool to Detect Security Smells in Terraform Configurations}}, month = {November}, year = {2023}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 22 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is widely embraced for its ability to facilitate system infrastructure management, ensuring ease of modification and reproducibility. However, the inherent susceptibility of IaC configurations to security vulnerabilities necessitates specialized tools for code analysis. Building upon the work of Rahman \emph{et al.}, who identified 7 security smells present in IaC scripts and introduced SLIC, a static analysis tool for identifying security smells in Puppet scripts, this paper presents SLiTer — a tool designed to detect the same security smells in Terraform files. By doing so, we developed two Rule Engines to serve distinct purposes: the first faithfully translated SLIC rules to establish a baseline, while the second incorporated modifications to enhance accuracy when applied to Terraform configurations. Evaluating SLiTer on 105 Terraform files from 15 directories revealed the most prevalent security smell as "Hard-coded secret," aligning with findings in the original work. SLiTer may prove valuable for practitioners seeking to identify general security smells in Terraform configurations, complementing other tools like Sonar or \emph{tfparse} for provider-specific issues. } }