@techreport{TR-IC-PFG-22-43, number = {IC-PFG-22-43}, author = {Giovana Kerche Bonás and Marcelo da Silva Reis and Marcos Medeiros Raimundo}, title = {{An algorithm for multi-task learning based on combinatorial optimization of U-curves}}, month = {December}, year = {2022}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 19 pages. \par\selectlanguage{English}\textbf{Abstract} Here we report the development of an algorithm that explores properties of U-shaped curves (“U-curves”) in cost functions of multi-task transfer learning (MTL) models. The proposed algorithm works even with the insertion of different tasks that may or may not be related to the original task of learning. To find a global minimum of the described curve, a Boolean lattice is organized based on the enumeration of the search space with the weights of the group of different tasks used in training. This traversal of that lattice is carried out through a branch-and-bound procedure, in which the pruning criterion is the increase of the cost in a chain of that lattice. To benchmark the proposed algorithm against established MTL methods, we carried out computational experiments with both synthetic and real datasets. We expect that this proposed algorithm will represent a relevant alternative for multi-task learning models. } }