@techreport{TR-IC-PFG-22-04, number = {IC-PFG-22-04}, author = {Renata Mancilha Lellis and Luiz Fernando Bittencourt and Júlio César Santos dos Anjos}, title = {{Entropia como otimizador no aprendizado de máquina federado: Um Estudo de Caso}}, month = {Junho}, year = {2022}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In Portuguese, 50 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} Machine learning has an increasing importance within society. However, for it to continue to evolve, more data from IoT devices and computing resources are needed, which has become a bottleneck for the scalability of this technology. \par In order to seek alternatives to solve the scarcity of resources, the option of migrating the original machine learning configuration in which there is a central server that receives and stores all data from edge devices and builds a model has been studied. A federated architecture, known as distributed machine learning, performs the distribution of decision making, in a way that does not require the sharing of user data, instead, it shares its learning model and receives trained local models and aggregates them. \par However, this proposal still finds some relevant points that should be considered limiting. Thus, this project aims to show a case study of a form of optimization in the selection of users who will participate in the model training, in order to avoid unnecessary processing expenses and to verify if this proposed way is capable of bringing dif erences that are significant for applications of federated learning on IoT devices. } }