@techreport{TR-IC-19-08, number = {IC-19-08}, author = {T\'ulio Brandão Soares Martins and Julio Cesar dos Reis}, title = {{Mechanism for inconsistency correction in the DBPedia Live}}, month = {September}, year = {2019}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 17 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} \textit{DBpedia} is a huge resource available in the Web of Data. It is relevant to update this dataset based on new information appearing in the Wikipedia. However, this operation can provide inconsistencies in the dataset for chapters in different languages. Although existing literature has defined tools to update \textit{DBpedia}, there is a lack of studies related to understand and detect multi-chapter inconsistencies in its evolution. In this work, we define a set of inconsistency classes related to triple changes in the \textit{DBpedia} to inform a software tool suited to detect instances of these classes when new data is updated for secondary languages, removed or inserted in the dataset. We conduct an experimental evaluation to assess the types of inconsistencies in several versions of the dataset. We demonstrate that the identified inconsistencies appear in the evolution of DBpedia and propose a solution to correct these inconsistencies. Our evaluation assessing the proposed technique reveled its usefulness. Our results show that the proposed classes of inconsistencies combined with the defined solution can turn the \textit{DBpedia} more reliable overtime. } }