@techreport{TR-IC-19-01, number = {IC-19-01}, author = {Gabriel Oliveira dos Santos \and Juliana Medeiros Destro \and Julio Cesar dos Reis}, title = {Investigating neighbour concepts for cross-lingual ontology alignment}, month = {February}, year = {2019}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 23 pages, \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Resumo} Cross-lingual ontology alignments play a key role for the semantic integration of data described in different languages. The task of automatic cross-lingual ontology matching requires exploring similarities measures. Such measures compute the degree of relatedness between two given terms from ontology's concepts. Although the literature has extensively studied similarity measures for monolingual ontology alignments, the use of similarity measures for the creation of cross-lingual ontology mappings still requires further research. In this work, we define an algorithm for automatic cross-lingual ontology matching based on the analysis of neighbour concepts to improve the effectiveness of the composed similarity approach, a technique to calculate the degree of similarity between concept contents in different languages. Experimental results with OAEI datasets indicate that our novel approach including neighbour concepts for mapping identification has a good effectiveness. } }