@techreport{TR-IC-17-16, number = {IC-17-16}, author = {Adilson Luiz Bonifacio and Arnaldo Vieira Moura}, title = {Generating Test Suites for Input/Output Labeled Transition Systems}, month = {November}, year = {2017}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 42 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} Model based testing is a well-established approach to test reactive systems. One of the challenges stemming from model based testing is the generation of test suites, specially when completeness is a required property these test suites. In order to check whether an implementation under test is in compliance with its respective specification model one resorts to some form of a conformance relation that guarantees some expected behavior of the implementations, given the behavior of the specification. The ioco conformance relation is an example of such a relation, specially suited for reactive and asynchronous models. In this work we study a more general conformance relation for such models. We also describe a method to generate finite and complete test suites which are complete in general, and we also discuss the complexity of the generation mechanism, as well as the complexity of testing implementations under this more general conformance relation. We show that {\bf ioco} conformance is a special case of this new conformance relation, for two classes of fault models, and we also investigate the complexity of generating complete test suites for these fault models, and also the complexity of running verification experiments using the test suites so generated. } }