@techreport{TR-IC-17-14, number = {IC-17-14}, author = {Atilio G. Luiz and C. N. Campos and R. Bruce Richter}, title = {On $\alpha$-labellings of lobsters and trees with a perfect matching}, month = {August}, year = {2017}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 15 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} A graceful labelling of a tree $T$ is an injective function $f \colon V(T) \to \{0,\ldots,|E(T)|\}$ such that $\{|f(u)-f(v)| \colon uv \in E(T)\} = \{1,\ldots,|E(T)|\}$. An $\alpha$-labelling of a tree $T$ is a graceful labelling $f$ with the additional property that there exists an integer $k \in \{0,\ldots,|E(T)|\}$ such that, for each edge $uv \in E(T)$, either $f(u) \leq k < f(v)$ or $f(v) \leq k < f(u)$. In this work, we prove that the following families of trees with maximum degree three have $\alpha$-labellings: lobsters with maximum degree three, without $Y$-legs and with at most one forbidden ending; trees $T$ with a perfect matching $M$ such that the contraction $T/M$ has a balanced bipartition and an $\alpha$-labelling; and trees with a perfect matching such that their contree is a caterpillar with a balanced bipartition. These results reinforce the conjecture that every tree with maximum degree three and a perfect matching has an $\alpha$-labelling. } }