@techreport{TR-IC-13-34, number = {IC-13-34}, author = {{C}aio {H}offman and {L}uiz {E}. da {S}. {R}amos and {R}odolfo {J}. de {A}zevedo and {G}uido {C}. {S}. de {A}raújo}, title = {{I}mproving the {M}odeling and {A}nalysis of {E}rror {C}orrection {T}echniques for {P}hase-{C}hange {M}emory}, month = {{D}ecember}, year = {2013}, institution = {{I}nstitute of {C}omputing, {U}niversity of {C}ampinas}, note = {In English, 21 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} Due to projections of high scalability, Phase-Change Memory (PCM) is seen as a new main memory for computer systems. In fact, PCM may even replace DRAM, whose scaling limitations require new lithography technologies that are still unknown. On the down-side, PCM has low endurance when compared with DRAM, i.e., on average, a PCM cell can only withstand $10^8$ bit-flips (modification of stored bit values) before the cell fails. To address PCM's low endurance, Error Correction Techniques (ECTs) have been proposed, which aim at increasing PCM's lifetime. However, previous lifetime analyses of ECTs have not considered the difference between the bit-flip frequencies of data bits and code bits (used to correct errors in data bits). That observation is crucial for the correct analysis of the ECTs since high bit-flip frequencies lead to faster wear-out. \par In this work, we improve the wear-out analysis of PCM by modeling and analyzing the bit-flip probabilities of five ECTs, namely, ECP, DRM, SECDED, SAFER, and FREE-p. We then use our analysis to evaluate the impact of error correction on the wear-out of PCM. To do our analyses, we mathematically modeled and simulated the ECTs using both a theoretical bit-flip probability (50\%) and an empirical bit-flip rate (15\%), obtained from the execution of SPEC CPU2006. Our results show clear endurance degradation in techniques that use error-correcting codes, which contradicts some previous results in the literature. Finally, we analyzed the power consumption of the ECTs, and found that ECP and SAFER exhibit the best trade-off between endurance and write energy. } }