@techreport{TR-IC-10-19, number = {IC-10-19}, author = {Elaine {C. S. Hayashi} and Leonelo {D. A. Almeida} and M. CecĂ­lia {C. Baranauskas}}, title = {{Virtual Presenter and Vila na Rede: augmenting accessibility in ISNs}}, month = {May}, year = {2010}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 15 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} Vila na Rede is an Inclusive Social Network (ISN) system developed as a joint effort with Brazilian communities. As a product of e-Cidadania's Project, it has inherited the objective of being accessible for the widest variety of users, including those less familiar with technology or with low literacy levels. In this direction, different features were incorporated into Vila na Rede in order to provide its users with scaffolding resources that help them profit more from the system. One of these features is the Virtual Presenter, a talking head that allows users to have the textual information converted into speech, presented by a face that moves its lips accordingly. This technical report provides details on the integration of the Virtual Presenter into Vila na Rede, as well as the activities that were conducted to evaluate this new feature at the ISN. } }