@techreport{TR-IC-10-02, number = {IC-10-02}, author = {Júlio Cesar dos {Reis} and Rodrigo {Bonacin} and M. Cecília C. {Baranauskas}}, title = {Analysing Search in Inclusive Social Network Services}, month = {January}, year = {2010}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 17 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} Social Network Services are a reality nowadays. These systems represent a propitious virtual environment for user interaction and communication, and an opportunity for people to share information and knowledge. Considering socio-economical aspects, these systems should provide inclusive access for all. The purpose of Inclusive Social Network Services (ISN) is to create situations where users' diversity is respected and the access dificulties minimized. The use of search engines is the principal alternative to find and to access information generated in digital media. Therefore is important that all people have the possibility to recover information in a natural way, with results that make sense to them. This research report investigates the search process in an ISN based on the 8th Semio-Participatory Workshop of the e-Cidadania project. The activity involved the observation of prospective users of an ISN in a set of search scenarios; the aim was to observe how users behave and their dificulties with the searching mechanism. We point out preliminary results that can lead to better search engines from an inclusive perspective. } }