@techreport{TR-IC-03-01, number = {IC-03-01}, author = {M. H. de Carvalho and C. L. Lucchesi and U. S. R. Murty}, title = {How to Build a Brick}, month = {February}, year = {2003}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 39 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} An edge $e$ of a brick $G$ is {\em removable} if $G-e$ is matching covered. A removable edge $e$ is {\em $b$-invariant} if $G-e$ has exactly one brick. A removable edge $e$ is {\em thin} if, for each barrier $B$ of $G-e$, the graph $G-e-B$ has precisely $|B|-1$ isolated vertices, each of which has degree two in $G-e$. Improving upon a theorem proved in [4] and [5], we show here that every brick different from the three basic bricks $K_4$, $\overline{C}_6$ and the Petersen graph has a $b$-invariant edge that is thin. It follows from this result that all bricks can be generated from the three basic bricks by means of four simple operations. A cut $C$ of a brick $G$ is a {\em separating} cut of $G$ if each of the two graphs obtained by shrinking a shore of $C$ to a single vertex is matching covered. A brick is {\em solid} if it does not have any nontrivial separating cuts. Solid bricks have many interesting properties ([4]) and may be thought of as building blocks of bricks themselves. The complexity status of deciding whether a given brick is solid is not known. Here, by using our theorem on the existence of thin edges, we show that every simple planar solid brick is an odd wheel. } }