@techreport{TR-IC-98-38, number = {IC-98-38}, author = {Antonio Mendes da {Silva Filho} and Hans Kurt E. Liesenberg}, title = {Gathering User Interface Design Requirements for Social Computing}, month = {October}, year = {1998}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 13 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} Design for cooperation is a challenge. As designers we note that as we are moving towards the final years of this century, several areas have achieved significant breakthroughs. Among them, it is easy to perceive that areas of Computing and Telecommunications have had an impact of paramount importance to society as a whole. These technologies have allowed an increasing integration of research fields, people of various backgrounds and abilities as well as made the interaction of different cultures possible. As a result, we have been living in the Internet era with a very large number of Web sites which can be visited, queried and played with. That constitutes what we call social computing. Application examples are: digital libraries, health care information systems, Physics collaboratories, and Web-based entertainments like interactive Web games. Within this context, we are concerned with the user interface design requirements gathering for such systems. In that sense, we present a protagonist task-based approach for capturing the user interface design requirements. } }