@techreport{TR-IC-96-06, number = {IC-96-06}, author = {de Oliveira, Juliano L. and Medeiros, Claudia M. B.}, title = {User Interface Issues in Geographic Information Systems}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 48 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} Recently, much research effort has been employed in the area of Geographic Information Systems due to the vast potential for applications of this technology. Simultaneously, user interface subsystems of software products have received attention since the interface has marked influence in software acceptance. This paper presents an overview of research done in the intersection of these areas. The main approaches and the current problems of user interfaces for Geographical Information Systems are discussed and analyzed. This study concludes with open problems and new research directions for future work in this area. } }