@techreport{TR-DCC-95-15, number = {DCC-95-15}, author = {de Mendonça Neto, Cândido F. X. and Eades, Peter and Lucchesi, Cláudio L. and Meidanis, João}, title = {{NP}-Hardness Results for Tension-Free Layout}, month = {August}, year = {1995}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 11 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} A {\em tension-free layout\/} of a weighted graph $G$ is an embedding of $G$ in the plane such that the Euclidean distance between adjacent nodes is equal to the edge weight. Very few weighted graphs admit such a layout. However, any graph can be made into a tension-free graph by repeated application of an operation called {\em vertex splitting}, or by removing edges. In this paper we show that computing the minimum number of such operations that yield a tension-free graph is NP-hard. } }