@techreport{TR-DCC-95-07, number = {DCC-95-07}, author = {de Lucena, Fábio N. and Liesenberg, Hans K. E.}, title = {{Xchart}-Based Complex Dialogue Development}, month = {June}, year = {1995}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 11 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} Xchart is a research software system that provides tools and facilities for the development of computer human interfaces. Control aspects of distributed reactive system (computer human interface) can be modelled through the use of constructs of the Xchart specification language. In this particular domain, greater attention is devoted to the subclass of multi-thread dialogues. Some of the constructs of the language have been tailored for this particular class of dialogue. By means of various tools, the environment supports different development stages ranging from diagram construction in the specification phase, to their execution. A simple example is used to illustrate Xchart's main features. } }