@techreport{TR-DCC-93-23, number = {DCC-93-23}, author = {Meidanis, João}, title = {Rethinking the {DNA} Fragment Assembly Problem}, month = {September}, year = {1993}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 19 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} DNA fragment assembly (FA) is an important problem in molecular biology. It appears in large-scale DNA sequencing tasks. Research related to the FA problem has mainly focused into two approaches: (1) development of software tools useful in practice but using heuristic methods difficult to analyze formally, and (2) formal modeling through theoretical problems, which captures some but not all of the real issues in FA. Our goal is to hybridize these two approaches by building a software tool that is useful to the biologists {\em and\/} has well-understood formal properties. } }