@techreport{TR-DCC-92-06, number = {DCC-92-06}, author = {Medeiros, Claudia M. B. and Andrade, Márcia J.}, title = {Implementing Integrity Control in Active Databases}, month = {July}, year = {1992}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 25 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} This paper presents an integrity maintenance system that has been developed for maintaining static constraints in databases, using the active database paradigm. This system has been added to the O2 object oriented database system, and is fully functional. Constraints are specified by the user in a first order logic language, and transformed in production rules, which are stored in the database. The rules are then used to maintain the corresponding set of constraints, for all applications that use the database, and which no longer need to worry about integrity control. We extend previous work on constraint maintenance in two ways: our system can be used as a constraint maintenance layer on top of object-oriented, relational and nested relational databases; in the case of object-oriented systems, we provide constraint support not only in the case of object composition, but also consider inheritance and methods. } }