@techreport{TR-DCC-92-03, number = {DCC-92-03}, author = {Lucchesi, Cláudio L. and Giglio, Maria Cecília M. T.}, title = {On the Irrelevance of Edge Orientations on the Acyclic Directed Two Disjoint Paths Problem}, month = {June}, year = {1992}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Campinas}, note = {In English, 7 pages. \par\selectlanguage{english}\textbf{Abstract} Given an undirected graph $G$ and four distinct {\em special vertices} $s_1, s_2, t_1, t_2$, the {\em Two Disjoint Paths Problem} consists in determining whether there are two disjoint paths connecting $s_1$ to $t_1$ and $s_2$ to $t_2$, respectively. \par There is an analogous version of the problem for acyclic directed graphs, in which it is required that the two paths be directed, as well. \par The known characterizations for the nonexistence of solutions in both problems are, in some sense, the same, which indicates that under some weak conditions the edge orientations in the directed version are irrelevant. \par We present the first direct proof of the irrelevance of edge orientations. } }