I am a Professor in the Institute of Computing at the University of Campinas (Unicamp). My research is at the intersection of hardware and software systems, particularly in energy and performance optimization, runtime systems for embedded applications, and specialized hardware designs.
I teach courses related to Energy Efficient Computing, Computer Architecture, Digital Systems Design, and Distributed Systems. Course materials are available to Unicamp students through Google Classroom.
I am a member of the Computer Systems Laboratory. In my research group we explore tools and techniques for performance and energy scaling, including software and hardware optimization, domain-specific accelerators, and approximate computing. A list of my publications can be found at Google Scholar
I have been the proud recipient of the Fulbright/CAPES PhD Fellowship (2008), ACM Mobicom Best Paper Award (2015), IEEE SBAC-PAD Best Paper Award (2018), DATE Best IP Award (2021), WCAS Best Paper Award (2023), SBC WSCAD Best MS Dissertation and Best PhD Thesis (2020 and 2023, as advisor), Institute of Computing Teaching Award (2018), and Unicamp Teaching Award (2022).
Lucas Wanner
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas (Unicamp)
Av. Albert Einstein, 1251 - Cidade Universitaria
13083-852 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
Email: wanner@unicamp.br
LinkedIn Profile
Lattes CV (in portuguese)