Seminário de Teoria da Computação Greedy Approximated Algorithm for the Uniform Labeling Problem Evandro C. Bracht e Luis A. A. Meira Sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2003 Auditório do IC (IC1), 13:00hs In this talk we present a new algorithm for the uniform metric labeling problem. This problem consists to assign objects to labels, each object assigned to a label incur in an assignment cost and two objects with distinct labels incur in a separation cost. The objective function is to obtain an labeling that minimizes the total assignment and separation cost. The known approximation algorithms are based on solutions of large linear programs and are impractical for moderated and large size instances. We present a $8\log n$-approximation algorithm which, although has factor greater than the previous algorithms, it can be applied to large size instances. The algorithm is greedy and is analyzed by a primal-dual technique. We use this technique and redesign the traditional greedy algorithm for the Set Cover problem, resulting in a very didactic example.