from math import * import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # landmarks which can be sensed by the robot (in meters) landmarks = [[20.0, 20.0], [20.0, 80.0], [20.0, 50.0], [50.0, 20.0], [50.0, 80.0], [80.0, 80.0], [80.0, 20.0], [80.0, 50.0]] # size of one dimension (in meters) world_size = 100.0 class Particle: """ Class for the particle model used in this demo """ def __init__(self): self.x = random.random() * world_size # robot's x coordinate self.y = random.random() * world_size # robot's y coordinate self.orientation = random.random() * 2.0 * pi # robot's orientation self.forward_noise = 0.0 # noise of the forward movement self.turn_noise = 0.0 # noise of the turn self.sense_noise = 0.0 # noise of the sensing def set(self, new_x, new_y, new_orientation): """ Set robot's initial position and orientation :param new_x: new x coordinate :param new_y: new y coordinate :param new_orientation: new orientation """ if new_x < 0 or new_x >= world_size: raise ValueError('X coordinate out of bound') if new_y < 0 or new_y >= world_size: raise ValueError('Y coordinate out of bound') if new_orientation < 0 or new_orientation >= 2 * pi: raise ValueError('Orientation must be in [0..2pi]') self.x = float(new_x) self.y = float(new_y) self.orientation = float(new_orientation) def set_noise(self, new_forward_noise, new_turn_noise, new_sense_noise): """ Set the noise parameters, changing them is often useful in particle filters :param new_forward_noise: new noise value for the forward movement :param new_turn_noise: new noise value for the turn :param new_sense_noise: new noise value for the sensing """ self.forward_noise = float(new_forward_noise) self.turn_noise = float(new_turn_noise) self.sense_noise = float(new_sense_noise) def move(self, turn, forward): """ Perform robot's turn and move :param turn: turn command :param forward: forward command :return robot's state after the move """ if forward < 0: raise ValueError('Robot cannot move backwards') # turn, and add randomness to the turning command orientation = self.orientation + float(turn) + random.gauss(0.0, self.turn_noise) orientation %= 2 * pi # move, and add randomness to the motion command dist = float(forward) + random.gauss(0.0, self.forward_noise) x = self.x + (cos(orientation) * dist) y = self.y + (sin(orientation) * dist) # cyclic truncate x %= world_size y %= world_size # set particle res = self.__class__() # will make either a Particle or a Robot res.set(x, y, orientation) res.set_noise(self.forward_noise, self.turn_noise, self.sense_noise) return res @staticmethod def gaussian(mu, sigma, x): """ calculates the probability of x for 1-dim Gaussian with mean mu and var. sigma :param mu: distance to the landmark :param sigma: standard deviation :param x: distance to the landmark measured by the robot :return gaussian value """ # calculates the probability of x for 1-dim Gaussian with mean mu and var. sigma return exp(- ((mu - x) ** 2) / (sigma ** 2) / 2.0) / sqrt(2.0 * pi * (sigma ** 2)) def measurement_prob(self, measurement): """ Calculate the measurement probability: how likely a measurement should be :param measurement: current measurement :return probability """ prob = 1.0 for i in range(len(landmarks)): dist = sqrt((self.x - landmarks[i][0]) ** 2 + (self.y - landmarks[i][1]) ** 2) prob *= self.gaussian(dist, self.sense_noise, measurement[i]) return prob class Robot(Particle): """ The Robot is itself a particle, augmented with landmark sensing. """ def sense(self): """ Sense the environment: calculate distances to landmarks :return measured distances to the known landmarks """ z = [] for i in range(len(landmarks)): dist = sqrt((self.x - landmarks[i][0]) ** 2 + (self.y - landmarks[i][1]) ** 2) dist += random.gauss(0.0, self.sense_noise) z.append(dist) return z def evaluation(r, p): """ Calculate the mean error of the system :param r: current robot object :param p: particle set :return mean error of the system """ sum = 0.0 for i in range(len(p)): # the second part is because of world's cyclicity dx = (p[i].x - r.x + (world_size/2.0)) % \ world_size - (world_size/2.0) dy = (p[i].y - r.y + (world_size/2.0)) % \ world_size - (world_size/2.0) err = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) sum += err return sum / float(len(p)) def visualization(robot, step, p, pr, weights): """ Visualization :param robot: the current robot object :param step: the current step :param p: list with particles :param pr: list of resampled particles :param weights: particle weights """ plt.figure("Robot in the world", figsize=(15., 15.)) plt.title('Particle filter, step ' + str(step)) mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager() mng.window.maxsize(700,700) # draw coordinate grid for plotting grid = [0, world_size, 0, world_size] plt.axis(grid) plt.grid(b=True, which='major', color='0.75', linestyle='--') plt.xticks([i for i in range(0, int(world_size), 5)]) plt.yticks([i for i in range(0, int(world_size), 5)]) # draw particles for ind in range(len(p)): # particle circle = plt.Circle((p[ind].x, p[ind].y), 1., facecolor='#ffb266', edgecolor='#994c00', alpha=0.5) plt.gca().add_patch(circle) # particle's orientation arrow = plt.Arrow(p[ind].x, p[ind].y, 2*cos(p[ind].orientation), 2*sin(p[ind].orientation), alpha=1., facecolor='#994c00', edgecolor='#994c00') plt.gca().add_patch(arrow) # draw resampled particles for ind in range(len(pr)): # particle #circle = plt.Circle((pr[ind].x, pr[ind].y), 1., facecolor='#66ff66', edgecolor='#009900', alpha=0.5) circle = plt.Circle((pr[ind].x, pr[ind].y), 0.5, facecolor='#66ff66', edgecolor='#009900', alpha=0.5) plt.gca().add_patch(circle) # particle's orientation arrow = plt.Arrow(pr[ind].x, pr[ind].y, 2*cos(pr[ind].orientation), 2*sin(pr[ind].orientation), alpha=1., facecolor='#006600', edgecolor='#006600') plt.gca().add_patch(arrow) # fixed landmarks of known locations for lm in landmarks: circle = plt.Circle((lm[0], lm[1]), 1., facecolor='#cc0000', edgecolor='#330000') plt.gca().add_patch(circle) # robot's location circle = plt.Circle((robot.x, robot.y), 1., facecolor='#6666ff', edgecolor='#0000cc') plt.gca().add_patch(circle) # robot's orientation arrow = plt.Arrow(robot.x, robot.y, 2*cos(robot.orientation), 2*sin(robot.orientation), alpha=0.5, facecolor='#000000', edgecolor='#000000') plt.gca().add_patch(arrow) figname = "figure_" + str(step) + ".png" plt.savefig(figname) #print('Saved',figname) # ================ Body of the Demo ================ # create a robot for the particle filter demo myrobot = Robot().move(0.1, 5.0) z = myrobot.sense() print('Initial sensor readings: z = ', z) # create a set of particles n = 1000 # number of particles p = [] # list of particles for i in range(n): x = Particle() x.set_noise(0.05, 0.05, 5.0) p.append(x) steps = 50 # particle filter steps for t in range(steps): if t > 0: plt.close() # move the robot and sense the environment after that myrobot = myrobot.move(0.1, 5.) z = myrobot.sense() # now we simulate a robot motion for each of # these particles p2 = [] for i in range(n): p2.append( p[i].move(0.1, 5.) ) p = p2 # generate particle weights depending on robot's measurement w = [] for i in range(n): w.append(p[i].measurement_prob(z)) # resampling with a sample probability proportional # to the importance weight p3 = [] index = int(random.random() * n) beta = 0.0 mw = max(w) for i in range(n): beta += random.random() * 2.0 * mw while beta > w[index]: beta -= w[index] index = (index + 1) % n p3.append(p[index]) print('Step %3d: evaluation = %7.4f' % (t, evaluation(myrobot,p))) if t < 3 or t % 5 == 0: visualization(myrobot,t,p,p3,w) p = p3