Cecilia Baranauskas´s photo

Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas

is Full Professor at the Institute of Computing, UNICAMP, Brazil and Coordinator of the Nucleus of Informatics Applied to Education, UNICAMP. She received a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computer Science and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at UNICAMP, Brazil (1993). She was entitled Honorary Research Fellow at the Staffordshire University (2001) and Visiting Fellow at the University of Reading, UK, working in the Applied Informatics with Semiotics Lab (2002). She also received a Cátedra Ibero-Americana Unicamp-Santander Banespa to study accessibility issues in software engineering at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain (2006). Her research interests have focused on human-computer interaction issues, particularly investigating different formalisms (including Organizational Semiotics and Participatory Design) in the analysis, design and evaluation of societal systems. She is leading several projects investigating the use of these formalisms in design contexts of e-Citizenship and e-Inclusion. In 2010 she received the ACM SIGDOC Rigo Award. Former IFIP TC13 representative and member of the Special Committee for HCI at SBC (Brazilian Computing Society) currently she is member of the BR-CHI (an ACM SIGCHI local chapter) Executive Council.

Publications and the complete curriculum vitae can be accessed in http://lattes.cnpq.br/1750385790843118 /

Research Projects

ecoWeb - Interaction Design in the Inclusive Social Web
Todos Nós em Rede - Social Networks and Professional Autonomy: New Perspectives for the Continuing Education of AEE teachers
XO in and out School: a Semio-Participatory Proposal for Technology, Education and Society
SIAjIU - Interative Systems Adjustable via User Interface
e-Cidadania: Systems and Methods for the Constitution of a Culture Mediated by Communication and Information Technology

Graduate and Undergraduate Courses

Virtual Environment for Graduate and Undergraduate Courses
Courses in the ACBP Environment - Problem Based Collaborative Learning
The First HCI Book in Portuguese

Other References and Resources

My Students: Research Group in Human-Digital Artifact Interaction - InterHAD
Websites Conforming Accessibility and Usability Requirements - WARAU
An Inclusive Social Network - Vila na Rede
Todos Nós - Accessibility at UNICAMP
The 2nd. Workshop on Human Factors in Computing Systems: IHC99!

Postal Address and Telephones:

Prof. M. Cecília C. Baranauskas
Institute of Computing - University of Campinas - UNICAMP Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz Avenida Albert Einstein 1251 Caixa Postal 6176 13084-971 Campinas, SP - BRASIL Tel.: +55 (19) 3521-5870 Fax: +55 (19) 3521-5847 email: cecilia [at] ic.unicamp.br
Updated on October, 3rd 2011
Disclaimer: This is a personal page, and not an official UNICAMP's page. Its contents are of entire responsibility of M. Cecilia C. Baranauskas.

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