First, you must have your Python enviroment for deep learning. You can install miniconda and create that enviroment. See For instance, in Ubuntu 20.04, you may want to download and execute sh to install miniconda with Python 3.9 in your 64-bit machine. For that, you must seacrh Linux Installers and click on for Python 3.9. A new environment for mo434 in conda can be created by conda create -n mo434 You may use conda activate mo434 to activate this environment, or conda deactivate to deactivate it. Once your environment is created and activated, you may install packages by typing: conda install Similarly, you may unsinstall packages by typing conda uninstall You will need the following packages numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas, imgaug, scikit-learn, umap-learn, scikit-image, opencv-python, pytorch, torchvision, torchaudio, tensorflow, keras, jupyter, nltk, transformers, etc. You may install them as needed to run the notebooks of MO434. The installation of some packages already installs other packages. For pytorch, it is better to follow instructions at For instance, to install it with cuda toolkit 11.1 for execution in the GPU of your machine, the command will be conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia For some packages, such as torch-summary and torch-snippets, you might have to use pip install torch-summary pip install torch-snippets Have fun!