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Rodolfo Azevedo

Full Teacher @ Institute of Computing - UNICAMP

Photo of Rodolfo Azevedo


Rodolfo Azevedo is full professor at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in 2002 and is a member of the Computer Science graduate program where he advises master and PhD students. He got several prizes in his career including six best papers in conferences, the Zeferino Vaz Academic Award and Teaching Award. He has CNPq Research Fellowship and was honored 8 times in the Computer Science and Computer Engineering graduations. He coordinated the graduate program in Computer Science, was Director of the Institute of Computing and President of the São Paulo Virtual University (UNIVESP).

Contact information

Av. Albert Einstein, 1251 - Sala 3 - Cidade Universitária - 13083-852 - Campinas - SP - Brazil

Currently teaching

MC613 - Digital Circuits Laboratory (2024s1)