Summary of InformationReport NumberingThe technical reports of the CI are numbered sequentially, in the yy-nn format, where
Check the sequential number of the last published report and use the next number.
Files to PrepareTo publish a technical report of the CI, you only need to deliver to us:
For the preparation of the report, we recommend the use of LaTeX.
The bibtex fileThe file must contain information as example attachment, which must be edited. The summary can be in English, Portuguese, Spanish or any non-empty set of languages. The file must be encoded in UTF-8. Mathematical formulas must be coded according to LaTeX conventions. Do not use the LaTeX cite command in the bibtex file.
The Report ArchiveThe reports are distributed primarily in electronic form. They can also be distributed on paper, with pre-printed cardboard covers. The paper is letter format, 216 × 279 mm. The text area ("spot") is 152 × 216 mm. Each of the four margins is 30 mm. The report file must have a standardized cover page.
Preparation of the Report ArchiveIf you choose LaTeX, modify the example and use the package techrep-ic. If you choose Word, modify the example, generating a final PDF and adding a cover generated from the latex model above.
Delivery of FilesSend a message to editors containing the material or an indication of where it can be downloaded. |
Instituto de Computação :: State University of Campinas
PO Box 6176 • Av. Albert Einstein, 1251 - Cidade Universitária • CEP 13083-970 • Campinas / SP - Brazil • Phone: [19] 3521-5838 |