Summary: This technical report contains the abstracts of 4 works whose articles were authorized to be published in the XVI Workshop of Theses, Dissertations and Scientific Initiation Works (WTD), of the Institute of Computing (IC) of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), edition 2021 The XVI Workshop took place between the 15th and 16th of December 2021 and had more than 100 participants, including live listeners and presenters. The event included 4 short articles, 16 lightning talks and 16 video productions. Students were given the possibility to choose the form of presentation (lightning talk or video production), as well as choosing whether or not to publish their work in the annals of the event. The publication of the abstracts in the form of a technical report aims to disseminate the work in progress and completed and to record, in a succinct way, the state of the art of the research of the Instituto de Computação in the year 2021.
Summary: This work is an article produced for the Internet of Things (IoT) project, with the objective of finding solutions and technical feasibility of using IoT to monitor compliance with the sanitary protocols required by the state of São Paulo in the 2021 return to school amidst the COVID-19 pandemic scenario. Research was carried out on existing commercial and academic solutions to be applied in the monitoring of health protocols selected for research. In this way, comparisons and considerations were presented that point to the technical feasibility of implementation, and the importance of these solutions found to help contain the virus. to the current state of pandemic.
Abstract: Given the ever-increasing constraints and concerns regarding data privacy and sharing, a method to train collaborative machine learning models without exposing training data can become a major part of the way that data science is done. In this work, we illustrate the concepts of Vertical Federated Learning, along with a practical implementation emulating a real scenario of collaborative training of a model. We evaluate the cost associated with homomorphic encryption that enables Federated Learning approaches and show results of an MNIST solving model using Vertical Federated Learning.
Summary: The ubiquitous and pervasive computing implies the use of computer systems with sensors and actuators, which can be connected in a network, can have several interfaces and be present in any type of object, so that computational tasks are performed implicitly by the user. These new technologies allow the interaction with the technology to be more immersive, in which human and technological processes are more interconnected / coupled. This coupling can be seen from the perspective of enation, whose sense-making process occurs from the relationship between a subject and a world from the sensory-motor system (action and perception). In this context, the presence of the social factor plays a relevant role in current computer systems. Thus, a new concept of system combined with enation, pervasiveness and ubiquity has been investigated (Socioenative Systems) through the Thematic Project FAPESP1. This project has explored new concepts and dimensions of computer systems and has been developed through three scenarios, one of which is hospital. In this scenario, technology is something that can help promote the well-being of those involved, making treatment in this environment less stressful, especially for children. Thus, we conducted a Systematic Literature Review in order to raise the state of the art on the use of these ubiquitous and pervasive systems in hospital environments with the social and emotional interaction of the people involved in this environment. For this, based on the PRISMA protocol, we perform automatic searches and select an initial set of 3.210 papers. After the screening process, 33 were included in the final set of papers selected for analysis. The final result allowed us to analyze which and how technologies are used, if they collaborate in the interaction and if they affect the emotional state of people in hospital environments. And yet, check if such environments have explored the concepts related to the enation.
Summary: This document presents preliminary results of the literature review for the Socioenative Systems project (Thematic Project of the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation, FAPESP nº 2015 / 16528-0). In this report, we present results on social interaction and interaction of incorporation in an educational context present in recent literature. For this study, the PRISMA protocol was used and described in detail based on research questions, inclusion and exclusion criteria, search and selection strategy and quality assessment. As preliminary results, we present an overview of the 104 selected studies presenting data about their evaluation processors, technologies and design involved, interactions and learning processor. We briefly discussed our findings and some of their implications for the progress of the Socioenative Systems project followed by some suggestions for future work.
Abstract: This technical report presents preliminary results of the museum research scenario that were achieved during the fourth year of the Socioenactive Systems project (São Paulo Research Foundation Thematic Project, FAPESP # 2015 / 16528-0). In this report, we first briefly introduce the context of the Socioenactive Systems project, then, we present preliminary results from a systematic literature review on enaction and embodiment in interactive installations. The methodology of the review is thoroughly described with details about research questions, inclusion and exclusion criteria, search strategy, description of study characteristics and quality and relevance assessment. As preliminary results, we present an overview of the 80 selected documents regarding when and where they were published, by who, what was the application context, how was evaluation treated, and their calculated quality and relevance for our review. We briefly discuss our findings and some of their implications for the Socioenactive Systems project and the museum scenario. Finally, we close the report with our concluding remarks and some directions intended for the following year.
Instituto de Computação :: State University of Campinas
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