Technical Reports Published in 2004

  • IC-04-14 pdf bib
    The class of PI graphs.
    Sheila Morais de Almeida, Célia Picinin de Mello, and Anamaria Gomide.
    December 2004. In Portuguese, 11 pages.

    Summary: Let F be a family of sets. We can associate F with a graph, G, as follows: each set of F corresponds to a vertex of G and there is an edge connecting two vertices in G if, and only if, the sets corresponding to these vertices intersect. The graph G is called the F family intersection graph.

    Consider two parallel lines $ r_1 $ e $ r_2 $. Let F be a family of straight line segments with $ r_1 $ e $ r_2 $. The intersection graph of the elements of F is called the permutation graph. The Permutation Graph class was generalized by Corneil and Kamula, allowing the F family to contain triangles with one side in $ r_1 $ and a vertex in $ r_2 $. The graph intersecting a family of triangles between two parallel lines, is called Grafo PI. Another generalization allows trapezoids between the two parallel lines. The intersection graph of this family of trapezoids is called Trapezoid Graph.

    A direct consequence of the definitions is the relation of continence between the classes: Permutation $ \ subset $ PI $ \ subset $ Trapezoid. Polynomial characterizations and algorithms are known for recognizing both Pemutation and Trapezoid graphs. However, these problems remain open for PI graphs.

    Considering the PI graphs, we identified a subclass obtained by restricting the triangles of the F family to non-obtusgled triangles. This subclass received the name of PI-Special. Another subclass of PI graphs is the Interval Graph class, defined with the class of graphs intersecting families of linearly ordered intervals. For this class, linear characterizations and recognition algorithms are known. We prove that PI-Special and Intervals are exactly the same class and that a PI graph is not an Interval graph if, and only if, it has a $ C_4 $ as induced subgraph.

    A graph $ G $ for which there is a transitive edge orientation it is called the Comparability Graph. A graph whose complement $ \ overline {G} $ Comparability graph is called Co-comparability graph. It is known that PI $ \ subset $ Co-comparability. Comparability graphs were characterized by Gallai through the family of forbidden graphs for Comparability, the Gallai Family. We prove that a Gallai Family graph is a Co-comparability graph and is not PI if, and only if, it has a $ \ overline {C_ {2n}} $, $ n> 2 $, as an induced subgraph.

  • IC-04-13 pdf bib
    Edge-coloring of join graphs.
    Caterina De Simone and Célia Picinin de Mello.
    December 2004. In English, 10 pages.

    Abstract: We discuss the following conjecture:

    If $ G $ is a graph with $ n $ vertices and maximum degree $ \ Delta> n / 3 $, then $ G $ is 1-factorizable.

  • IC-04-12 pdf bib
    Integrating image and spatial data for biodiversity information management.
    Ricardo da S. Torres, Claudia B. Medeiros, Eric M. Hallerman, Marcos André Gonçalves, and Edward A. Fox.
    October 2004. In English, 14 pages.

    Abstract: Biologists gather many kinds of data for biodiversity studies; these data are managed by distinct types of information systems. GIS-based biodiversity systems support sophisticated spatial correlations on living beings and their habitats, and spatio-temporal ecosystem modeling. Image information systems allow content-based image retrieval, to help species identification based on similarity (eg, shape and color characteristics). Different kinds of rule-based systems support species characterization. Unfortunately, these systems (and the underlying data) are independent of each other. This paper presents a solution that seamlessly combines these functionalities, supporting queries that merge textual descriptions, spatial correlations and content-based predicates. The solution is being implemented at Virginia Tech, for identification and data retrieval, supporting management of fish species. It takes advantage of innovations in Digital Library technology to combine networked collections of heterogeneous data under integrated management.

  • IC-04-11 pdf bib
    Contour salience descriptors for effective image retrieval and analysis.
    Ricardo da S. Torres and Alexandre X. Falcão.
    October 2004. In English, 20 pages.

    Abstract: This work exploits the resemblance between content-based image retrieval and image analysis with respect to the design of image descriptors and their effectiveness. In this context, two shape descriptors are proposed: contour saliences and segment saliences. Contour saliences revisits its original definition, where the location of concave points was a problem, and provides a robust approach to incorporate concave saliences. Segment saliences introduces salience values ​​for contour segments, making it possible to use an optimal matching algorithm as distance function. The proposed descriptors are compared with convex contour saliences, curvature scale space, and beam angle statistics using a fish database with 11,000 images organized in 1,100 distinct classes. The results indicate segment saliences as the most effective descriptor for this particular application and confirm the improvement of the contour salience descriptor in comparison with convex contour saliences.

  • IC-04-10 pdf bib
    Research lines in interorganizational workflows.
    M. Fantinato, M. B. F. Toledo, and I. M. S. Gimenes.
    September 2004. In Portuguese, 16 pages.

    Summary: Interorganizational workflows are business processes performed by multiple organizations that work cooperatively to achieve a common business objective. Although they are an extension of traditional workflows, the so-called intraorganizational workflows, there are several specific points - conceptual and technological - that need to be addressed in order to establish a favorable infrastructure for cooperation between those involved to be successful. This technical report presents an overview of interorganizational workflows and their management, presenting their main characteristics and some of the main existing research lines.

  • IC-04-09 pdf bib
    The vertex separator problem: A polyhedral investigation.
    E. Balas and C. C. de Souza.
    August 2004. In English, 35 pages.

    Abstract: The vertex separator (VS) problem in a graph $ G = (V, E) $ asks for a partition of $ V $ into nonempty subsets $ A $, $ B $, $ C $ such that there is no edge between $ A $ and $ B $and $ \ vert C \ vert $ is minimized subject to a bound on $ \ max \ {\ vert A \ vert, \ vert B \ vert \} $. We give a mixed integer programming formulation of the problem and investigate the vertex separator polytope (VSP), the convex hull of incidence vectors of vertex separators. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the VSP to be full dimensional. Central to our investigation is the relationship between separators and dominators. Several classes of valid inequalities are investigated, along with the conditions under which they are facet defining for the VSP. Some of our proofs combine in new ways projection with lifting.

    In a companion paper we develop a branch-and-cut algorithm for the (VS) problem based on the inequalities discussed here, and report on computational experience with a wide variety of (VS) problems drawn from the literature and inspired by various applications.

  • IC-04-08 pdf bib
    An approximation scheme for a one-dimensional bin packing problem with shelf divisions.
    Eduardo Cândido Xavier and Flávio Keide Miyazawa.
    August 2004. In English, 10 pages.

    Abstract: given bins of size $ B $, non-negative values $ d $ and $ dmax $, walk the list $ L $ of items, each item $ e \ in L $ with size $ s_e $ and class $ c_e $, we define a shelf as a subset of items packed inside a bin with total items size at most $ dmax $ such that all items in this shelf have the same class. Two subsequent shelves must be separated by a shelf divisor of size $ d $. The size of a shelf is the total size of its items plus the size of the shelf divider. The Class Constrained Shelf Bin Packing Problem consists of pack the items of $ L $ into the minimum number of bins, such that, the items are divided into shelves and the total size of the shelves in a bin is at most $ B $. We present an asymptotic approximation scheme for this problem where the number of different classes is bounded by a constant $ C $. To our knowledge, this is the first approximation result where shelves of non-null size are used in packing problems.

  • IC-04-07 pdf bib
    Two- and three-dimensional packings with orthogonal rotations.
    F. K. Miyazawa and Y. Wakabayashi.
    July 2004. In English, 42 pages.

    Abstract: We present approximation algorithms for the following packing problems: the two-dimensional strip packing problem, the two-dimensional bin packing problem, the three-dimensional strip packing problem, and the three-dimensional bin packing problem. For all these problems, we consider orthogonal packings where ninety-degree rotations are allowed. The algorithms we show for these problems have asymptotic performance bounds 1.613, 2.64, 2.76 and 4.89, respectively. We also present an algorithm for the z-oriented three-dimensional strip packing problem with asymptotic performance bound 2.64. To our knowledge, these are the best bounds known for each problem.

  • IC-04-06 pdf bib
    Specification of the idealized fault-tolerant C2 component - asynchronous model.
    Paulo Guerra, Fernando Castor Filho, and Cecília Mary F. Rubira.
    June 2004. In English, 26 pages.

    Abstract: The concept of idealized fault-tolerant C2 component (iC2C) was introduced as a means for constructing dependable component-based software systems in the C2 architectural style out of existing software components. It is derived from the concept of idealized fault-tolerant component, which aims at providing a structuring for systems which minimizes the contribution of the fault-tolerance mechanisms to their overall complexity. The use of iC2Cs as architectural blocks from which a system is built simplifies the task of building component-based, dependable systems. In this work we present informal and formal specifications for the iC2C. The formal specification is based on a state-machine view of the iC2C which emphasizes the functioning of its internal protocol and makes it easy to specify and provide properties over it. Furthermore, we make some considerations relevant to the implementation of the iC2C.

  • IC-04-05 pdf bib
    Reconnection of fingerprint ridges based on morphological operators and multiscale directional information.
    Marcelo de Almeida Oliveira and Neucimar Jerônimo Leite.
    June 2004. In English, 14 pages.

    Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a multiscale operator which, together with some morphological tools, can be used to reconnect broken components of an image. This operator extracts the orientation field from the image components and can be applied to both binary and gray-scale pictures. Although we illustrate its application in the fingerprint domain, the approach described here can be easily extended to images whose components exhibit well-defined directional information.

  • IC-04-04 pdf bib
    Sorting the reverse permutation by prefix transpositions.
    Vinicius José Fortuna and João Meidanis.
    April 2004. In English, 20 pages.

    Abstract: Dias and Meidanis present, without a proof, an algorithm to sort the reverse permutation $ R_n = [n, n-1, \ ldots, 1] $ by prefix transpositions. In this report we present a new algorithm based on the previous one and show a complete formal proof of its correctness. From this result we establish a new proved upper bound of $ n- \ lfloor n / 4 \ rfloor $ for the prefix transposition distance of $ R_n $.

  • IC-04-03 pdf bib
    Pfaffian graphics.
    Alberto Alexandre Assis Miranda and Cláudio Leonardo Lucchesi.
    April 2004. In English, 25 pages.

    Abstract: It is well known that, in general, the problem of determining the number of perfect matchings of a graph is NP-hard. Some graphs, called Pfaffian, have a special type of orientation that is also called Pfaffian. Given a Pfaffian orientation of a graph G, the number of perfect matchings of G may be evaluated in polynomial time. Two (not necessarily Pfaffian) orientations are similar if they differ by a cut. Similarity is an equivalence relation on the collection of orientations of a graph. If an orientation is Pfaffian then every similar orientation is also Pfaffian.

    For any Pfaffian matching covered graph G, the number of similarity classes of Pfaffian orientations of G is equal to $ 2 ^ b $, where b indicates the number of bricks of the tight cut decomposition of G.

    The following four problems are polynomially equivalent, that is, given a polynomial algorithm for any of the four problems it is then possible to find polynomial algorithms for the other three problems: (i) determine whether or not a graph is Pfaffian, (ii) determine whether or not a given orientation of a graph is Pfaffian, (iii) determine whether or not a graph is Pfaffian, in case it is Pfaffian, find a Pfaffian orientation for the graph, and (iv) determine the number of similarity classes of Pfaffian orientations of a graph.

  • IC-04-02 pdf bib
    An architectural approach for fault-tolerant component composition based on exception handling.
    Ricardo de Mendonça da Silva, Fernando Castor Filho, Paulo Asterio de C. Guerra, and Cecília Mary F. Rubira.
    March 2004. In English, 18 pages.

    Abstract: The development of modern component-based software systems usually needs to integrate autonomous component-systems which are developed independently from each other. Examples of such component-systems include COTS components, legacy software systems, and Web Services. For developing this new kind of software system, we need innovative software engineering approaches that rely on the system's software architecture to achieve the desired quality properties of the resulting system, such as fault tolerance. In this paper, we propose an architectural approach to the dependable composition of component-systems based on composition contracts and an exception handling scheme which considers the concurrent execution of architectural components.

  • IC-04-01 pdf bib
    Cycle powers and the conjecture of total color.
    Christiane Neme Campos and Célia Picinin de Mello.
    February 2004. In Portuguese, 18 pages.

    Summary: The total chromatic number, $ \ chi_T (G) $, is the smallest number of colors needed to color the edges and vertices of a graph so that there are no adjacent elements or incidents with the same color. The conjecture of total coloring (CBT) establishes that every simple graph $ G $ has $ \ chi_T (G) \ leq \ Delta + 2 $. In this work we check the TCC for the cycle powers $ C_ {n} ^ {k} $, $ n $ Stop $ 2 <k <\ lfloor n / 2 \ rfloor $, showing that there is, and can be constructed in polynomial time, a $ (\ Delta + 2) $- total coloring for these graphs.

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