package import collection.mutable.{HashSet, ArrayBuffer} import scala.Array /** * Code used for 'MAP Inference in Chains Using Column Generation' NIPS 2012 * Authors: David Belanger + Alexandre Passos */ object DelayedForwardBackward { def computeTransBounds(ds: Int, transMatrix: Int => (Int => Double)): (Array[Double], Array[Double], Array[Double], Array[Double]) = { val boundTransRow = Array.fill(ds)(Double.NegativeInfinity) val boundTransCol = Array.fill(ds)(Double.NegativeInfinity) val lowerBoundTransRow = Array.fill(ds)(Double.PositiveInfinity) val lowerBoundTransCol = Array.fill(ds)(Double.PositiveInfinity) // Compute row- and column-wise upper and lower bounds on the // entries of the transition matrix for more effective pruning for (i <- 0 until ds; j <- 0 until ds) { val t = transMatrix(i)(j) boundTransRow(i) = math.max(boundTransRow(i), t) boundTransCol(j) = math.max(boundTransCol(j), t) lowerBoundTransRow(i) = math.min(lowerBoundTransRow(i), t) lowerBoundTransCol(j) = math.min(lowerBoundTransCol(j), t) } val lowerBoundTrans = Array.ofDim[Double](ds) val upperBoundTrans = Array.ofDim[Double](ds) for(j<- 0 until ds){ lowerBoundTrans(j) = lowerBoundTransCol(j) + lowerBoundTransRow(j) upperBoundTrans(j) = boundTransCol(j) + boundTransRow(j) } (boundTransRow, boundTransCol, lowerBoundTrans, upperBoundTrans) } } class DelayedForwardBackward(val transitionMatrix: Int => (Int => Double), val localScores: Array[Array[Double]], val boundTransRows: Array[Double], val boundTransColumns: Array[Double], val lowerBoundTrans: Array[Double] = null: Array[Double], val upperBoundTrans: Array[Double] = null: Array[Double], useCandidates: Boolean = true) { // The initial beam width var initialDomainSize = 1 // The domains of all variables (which will grow) val domains = ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]]() // The size of the domains val ns = localScores(0).length val ds = ns // The number of variables val nv = localScores.length val fullDomain = (0 until ns).toSeq // The forward and backward dual variables val alphas = Array.fill[Double](nv, ns)(Double.NegativeInfinity) val betas = Array.fill[Double](nv, ns)(Double.NegativeInfinity) // The "argmaxes" which will be used in viterbi (forward and backward) val backPointers = Array.fill[Int](nv, ns)(-1) val betabackPointers = Array.fill[Int](nv, ns)(-1) val zeroArray = Array.fill[Double](ns)(0.0) // The earliest variable from which to start computing the forward messages var earliestUpdate = 0 // The latest variable from which to start computing the backward messages var latestUpdate = nv // Whether the messages or domains changed at any position in the chain val changedAlphas = Array.fill[Boolean](nv)(true) val changedBetas = Array.fill[Boolean](nv)(true) val changedDomain = Array.fill[Boolean](nv)(true) // Whether each position in the chain has a domain of size one val domainOfSizeOne = Array.fill[Boolean](nv)(true) // The current maximum reduced cost at each position; used to // compute the dual objective val currentMaxReducedCosts = Array.ofDim[Double](nv) // The set of possible valid variables for each variable, computed a // priori from the local scores and bounds on the transitions val candidateDomains = Array.fill[ArrayBuffer[Int]](nv)(ArrayBuffer[Int]()) // Whether some forward or backward message changed in the last iteration var changedSomeAlpha = true var changedSomeBeta = true var currentMAPScore = 0.0 val currentMAPAssignments = Array.fill[Int](nv)(-1) // Whether to compute the current duality gap var computeDG = false // Main entry point def delayedSearch( maxCGIters: Int = 20, pdTerminate: Boolean = false, gapThresh: Double = .05): Seq[Int] = { // first, initialize domains computeDG = pdTerminate initializeDomains // next, do delayed search var stillLooking = true var cgIterations = 0 earliestUpdate = 1 latestUpdate = nv - 2 var pdTerminated = false while (stillLooking && cgIterations < maxCGIters) { // first, do inference. if (cgIterations == 0) { // in first iter, do message passing everywhere delayedSearchWithArrays() } else{ // inference in subsequent iterations is different because you // can avoid message passing in regions that weren't affected delayedSearchWithArrays2ndPass() } // then, update the domains (i.e. search for variables of positive reduced cost) val (s, dualObjective) = updatePairwiseDomains stillLooking = s // test for convergence if (!changedSomeAlpha || !changedSomeBeta) { stillLooking = false } //an optional alternative convergence criterion is if the duality gap is sufficiently small if (pdTerminate) { val po = getPrimalObjective() if (((dualObjective - po)/ po) < gapThresh) { stillLooking = false pdTerminated = true } } cgIterations += 1 } // if it took too many iterations, we fall back to viterbi if (cgIterations == maxCGIters ) { initializeFullDomainsBackoff() delayedSearchWithArrays() } getCurrentMAP currentMAPAssignments } // throughtout, 'domains(i)' refers to the set of values for // variables(i) that we allow it to take on. candidateDomains(i) is // a list of the settings that we consider adding to domains(i) in // our iterative algorithm def initializeDomains { for (i <- 0 until nv) { domains += ArrayBuffer[Int]() // we initialize the domain of every variable to be the setting // with the best local score val m = (0 until ns).maxBy(x => localScores(i)(x)) domains(i) += m // now we initialize an array of candidate values to also // consider when doing column generation. This can be less than // the general domain for the variable. We prune some settings // by using the pruning strategy described at the end of section // 4.3 in our NIPS paper val bound = localScores(i)(m) + lowerBoundTrans(m) for (j <- 0 until ns) { if (localScores(i)(j) + upperBoundTrans(j) >= bound) candidateDomains(i) += j } } } // this is exactly the forward-backward viterbi algorithm, but where // variables' candidate domains are stored in 'candidateDomains' def delayedSearchWithArrays() { val ds = localScores(0).length // forward var vi = 0 var i = 0 while (i < ds) { alphas(vi)(i) = 0 i += 1 } vi = 1 while (vi < nv) { val j = domains(vi - 1)(0) val s = alphas(vi - 1)(j) + localScores(vi - 1)(j) for (i <- candidateDomains(vi)) { alphas(vi)(i) = s + transitionMatrix(j)(i) backPointers(vi)(i) = j } vi += 1 } // backward vi = nv - 1 for (i <- fullDomain) { betas(vi)(i) = 0.0 } vi -= 1 while (vi >= 0) { val j = domains(vi + 1)(0) val s = localScores(vi + 1)(j) + betas(vi + 1)(j) for (i <- candidateDomains(vi)) { betas(vi)(i) = transitionMatrix(i)(j) + s betabackPointers(vi)(i) = j } vi -= 1 } } // this does forward-backward, but intelligently given that it's a // second pass and only needs to pass messages where they could // potentially be different from the first pass def delayedSearchWithArrays2ndPass() { // forward var vi = 0 val ub = math.max(earliestUpdate, 1) while (vi < ub) { changedAlphas(vi) = false vi += 1 } var i = 0 changedSomeAlpha = false var looking = true while (vi < nv) { changedAlphas(vi) = false if (changedDomain(vi - 1)) looking = true if (looking) { // If the previous variable had a domain of size one we can // optimize if (domainOfSizeOne(vi) && vi > latestUpdate) looking = false if (!domainOfSizeOne(vi - 1)) { for (i <- candidateDomains(vi)) { val bp = backPointers(vi)(i) alphas(vi)(i) = Double.NegativeInfinity for (j <- domains(vi - 1)) { val s = alphas(vi - 1)(j) + localScores(vi - 1)(j) + transitionMatrix(j)(i) if (s > alphas(vi)(i)) { alphas(vi)(i) = s backPointers(vi)(i) = j } } changedAlphas(vi) = changedAlphas(vi) || (bp != backPointers(vi)(i)) } } } changedSomeAlpha = changedSomeAlpha || changedAlphas(vi) vi += 1 } // backward vi = nv - 1 while (vi > latestUpdate) { changedBetas(vi) = false vi -= 1 } i = 0 changedBetas(vi) = false changedSomeBeta = false var betaTerminate = false vi -= 1 while (vi >= 0) { changedBetas(vi) = false if (!betaTerminate) { if (domainOfSizeOne(vi) && (vi < earliestUpdate) ) betaTerminate = true if (!domainOfSizeOne(vi + 1)) { for (i <- candidateDomains(vi)) { val bp = betabackPointers(vi)(i) betas(vi)(i) = Double.NegativeInfinity for (j <- domains(vi + 1)) { val s = transitionMatrix(i)(j) + localScores(vi + 1)(j) + betas(vi + 1)(j) if (s > betas(vi)(i)) { betas(vi)(i) = s betabackPointers(vi)(i) = j } } changedBetas(vi) = changedBetas(vi) || (bp != betabackPointers(vi)(i)) } } changedSomeBeta = changedSomeBeta || changedBetas(vi) } vi -= 1 } } // This function implements the reduced-cost oracle as described in the paper. def searchBoundPairwiseDomain(i: Int, j: Int): (Boolean, Double) = { var updatedSomething = false // the strategy here is to first bound the contribution from j and search all is which can conceivably // go above that bound; then, we bound the contribution from i and search all js which can conceivably // go above that bound; finally, we search only over the surviving (i,j) pairs for any actual candidate // the reduced cost is // 2*theta(xi)(xj) + lS(xi) + lS(xj) + alphas(j)(xj) + betas(i)(xi) - alphas(i)(xi) - betas(j)(xj) var boundJ = Double.NegativeInfinity for (xj <- candidateDomains(j)) { val s = boundTransColumns(xj) - alphas(j)(xj) + betas(j)(xj) + localScores(j)(xj) if (s > boundJ) boundJ = s } var candidateIs = ArrayBuffer[Int]() for (xi <- candidateDomains(i)) { if (-betas(i)(xi) + alphas(i)(xi) + localScores(i)(xi) + boundTransRows(xi) + boundJ > 0.0) candidateIs += xi } // now we'll bound i var boundI = Double.NegativeInfinity for (xi <- candidateIs) { val s = boundTransRows(xi) - betas(i)(xi) + alphas(i)(xi) + localScores(i)(xi) if (s > boundI) boundI = s } val candidateJs = ArrayBuffer[Int]() for (xj <- candidateDomains(j)) { if (-alphas(j)(xj) + boundTransColumns(xj) + betas(j)(xj) + localScores(j)(xj) + boundI > 0.0) candidateJs += xj } var max = Double.NegativeInfinity var nAboveZero = 0 var maxi = -1 var maxj = -1 var first = true for (xi <- candidateIs; xj <- candidateJs; if ((!domains(i).contains(xi)) || (!domains(j).contains(xj)))) { val s = reducedCost(i, xi, xj) if (s > 0.0) { updatedSomething = true if (!domains(i).contains(xi)) { domains(i) += xi changedDomain(i) = true domainOfSizeOne(i) = false } if (!domains(j).contains(xj)) { domains(j) += xj changedDomain(j) = true domainOfSizeOne(j) = false } if (first) { if (i < earliestUpdate) earliestUpdate = i if (j > latestUpdate) latestUpdate = j } first = false } if (s > max) { max = s } } //do this because max reduced cost for instantiated edges is 0 max = math.max(0, max) (updatedSomething, max) } def updatePairwiseDomains(): (Boolean, Double) = { earliestUpdate = math.max(1, nv - 1) latestUpdate = 0 var updatedSomething = false var dualObjective = 0.0 for (i <- 0 until (nv - 1)) { val j = i + 1 changedDomain(i) = false if (j == nv - 1) changedDomain(j) = false // We only need to call the reduced cost oracle if the messages // have changed if (changedAlphas(j) || changedBetas(i)) { val (u, d) = searchBoundPairwiseDomain(i, j) dualObjective += d currentMaxReducedCosts(i) = d updatedSomething = updatedSomething | u } else { val d = currentMaxReducedCosts(i) dualObjective += d } } if(computeDG){ val mAV = getBestAlphaIndex()._2 val mBV = getBestBetaIndex()._2 dualObjective += .5*(mAV + mBV) } (updatedSomething, dualObjective) } // Computes an array with the MAP assignments of all variables def getCurrentMAP: Double = { val (maxAlpha, maxi) = alphas(nv - 1).zipWithIndex.maxBy(v => v._1 + localScores(nv - 1)(v._2)) val maxVal = maxAlpha + localScores(nv - 1)(maxi) var i = maxi for (n <- (0 until nv).reverse) { currentMAPAssignments(n) = i i = backPointers(n)(i) } currentMAPScore = maxVal maxVal } // This effectively backs off to viterbi by setting the domain of // each variable to be full. def initializeFullDomainsBackoff() { val nD = ns for (i <- 0 until nv) { domains(i).clear() for (j <- 0 until nD) { domains(i) += j } } } //see the paper for the derivation of the reduced cost expression def reducedCost(i: Int, xi: Int, xj: Int) = { val j = i + 1 val sc = localScores(i)(xi) + localScores(j)(xj) + 2 * transitionMatrix(xi)(xj) + (betas(j)(xj) - betas(i)(xi)) + (alphas(i)(xi) - alphas(j)(xj)) sc } def getBestAlphaIndex(): (Int,Double) = { var maxi = -1 var maxVal = Double.NegativeInfinity for(i<- candidateDomains(nv - 1)){ val s = alphas(nv - 1)(i) + localScores(nv - 1)(i) if(s >= maxVal){ maxi = i maxVal = s } } (maxi,maxVal) } def getBestBetaIndex(): (Int,Double) = { var maxi = -1 var maxVal = Double.NegativeInfinity for(i<- candidateDomains(0)){ val s = betas(0)(i) + localScores(0)(i) if(s > maxVal){ maxi = i maxVal = s } } (maxi,maxVal) } def getPrimalObjective(): Double = { var score = 0.0 var i = getBestAlphaIndex()._1 var in = -1 for (n <- (0 until nv).reverse) { score += localScores(n)(i) currentMAPAssignments(n) = i in = backPointers(n)(i) if(n > 0) score += transitionMatrix(in)(i) i = in } score } }