Hacking at the Voynich manuscript - Side notes 202 Statistics of OKOKOKO elements Last edited on 2002-01-18 10:46:57 by stolfi INTRODUCTION In this note we compute the frequency distribution of the OKOKOKO elements, for the tech report. SETTING UP THE ENVIRONMENT Links: ln -s ../../capitalize-ligatures ln -s ../../compute-cum-cum-freqs ln -s ../../compute-cum-freqs ln -s ../../compute-freqs ln -s ../../combine-counts ln -s ../../remove-freqs ln -s ../../totalize-fields ln -s ../../select-units ln -s ../../words-from-evt ln -s ../../factor-field-OK ln -s ../../format-counts-packed ln -s ../../factor-text-eva-to-oko.gawk ln -s ../103/tex-format-elem-freqs ln -s ../103/parse-elem-list.gawk ln -s ../103/count-elems ln -s ../100/data ln -s ../101/lang TABULATING OKOKOKO ELEMENT FREQUENCIES Paper directory: set tbldir = "/home/staff/stolfi/papers/voynich-words/techrep/tables/auto" set figdir = "/home/staff/stolfi/papers/voynich-words/techrep/figures/auto" Tabulating the elements of the QOKOKOF paradigm: foreach kc ( main.4 finl.6 rare.4 ) set kind = "${kc:r}"; set ncols = "${kc:e}" set ofile = "elem-freqs-oko-${kind}.tex" echo "tabulating ${ofile}" cat data/gud/{text,labs}/tot.n.wfr \ | factor-word-oko -v inField=3 -v outField=4 \ | gawk '/./{ print $1, $4; }' \ | count-elems -f parse-elem-list.gawk \ -v elemTable=elem-classes-oko-${kind}.tbl \ -v showBadWords=0 \ | compute-freqs \ > .oko-${kind}.efr cat .oko-${kind}.efr \ | tex-format-elem-freqs -f parse-elem-list.gawk \ -v elemTable=elem-classes-oko-${kind}.tbl \ -v ncols=${ncols} -v showCounts=1 -v showFreqs=1 \ -v showClasses=1 -v showHeader=1 \ > ${ofile} mv -bv ${ofile} ${tbldir}/ end