#! /bin/csh -f # Last edited on 2008-02-04 20:50:42 by stolfi set usage = "$0 -column NUM [-format eps|gif] [-size NUM,NUM] [-maxlen NUM] AFILE ATITLE BFILE BTITLE ..." # Input files must have records of the form # ORDER ENTROPY set ymax = "5.0" set size = "1.00,1.00" set format = "eps" set column = 0 set maxlen = 20 while ( ( $#argv > 0 ) && ( "/$1" =~ /-* ) ) if ( ( $#argv >= 2 ) && ( "/$1" == "/-column" ) ) then set column = "$2"; shift; shift else if ( ( $#argv >= 2 ) && ( "/$1" == "/-format" ) ) then set format = "$2"; shift; shift else if ( ( $#argv >= 2 ) && ( "/$1" == "/-size" ) ) then set size = "$2"; shift; shift else if ( ( $#argv >= 2 ) && ( "/$1" == "/-maxlen" ) ) then set maxlen = "$2"; shift; shift else echo "bad option"; echo "usage: ${usage}"; exit 1 endif end if ( $#argv < 3 ) then echo "usage: ${usage}"; exit 1 endif if ( $column == 0 ) then echo 'must specify "-column NUM"'; exit 1 endif set pfile = "/tmp/$$.gnuplot" set ofile = "/tmp/$$.${format}" if ( "/${format}" == "/eps" ) then set fmtline = 'postscript eps mono "TimesRoman" 24' else if ( "/${format}" == "/gif" ) then set fmtline = 'gif medium size 480,360' else echo "invalid plot file format" endif cat > ${pfile} < 0 ) if ( $#argv < 2 ) then echo "usage: ${usage}"; exit 1 endif set file = "$1"; shift set title = "$1"; shift printf '%s \\\n "%s" using 1:%d title "%s"' \ "${sep}" "${file}" "${column}" "${title}" >> ${pfile} printf ' \\\n with linespoints lt %d pt %d' \ "${ltype[$i]}" "${ptype[$i]}" >> ${pfile} set sep = "," @ i = $i + 1 end printf '\n' >> ${pfile} printf 'quit\n' >> ${pfile} gnuplot < ${pfile} cat ${ofile} if ( "/${format}" == "/eps" ) then ghostview ${ofile} else if ( "/${format}" == "/gif" ) then display ${ofile} else echo "invalid plot file format" endif /bin/rm -f ${ofile} ${pfile}