Zipf law plot (frequency as function of frequency rank) for various texts. The languages, texts and the word frequency files are: [[English language|English]]. Text of [[H. G. Wells]]'s novel ''[[The War of the Worlds]]'' (1898), excluding numbers, mapped to lowercase. * Whole text. Sample: ''no one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century'' [...] ''there were already a couple of score of passengers aboard some of''. File engl/wow/tot.1/gud.wfr (original 60293 words, truncated/filtered to 35027 words, ''N'' = 4869 distinct). [[English language|English]], encrypted by replacing each distinct word with a Roman numeral, in order of decreasing frequency: like 'that' ⟶ 'xiii', 'his' ⟶ 'lxiv'. The letter 'p' is used for 5000. Text of [[H. G. Wells]]'s novel ''[[The War of the Worlds]]'' (1898), mapped to lowercase, excluding numbers. * Whole text. Sample: ''ccv lii clxix cxxix mdcxxvi xxiv xx dccxii mcmxlix i xx mmmdccclxxxiii'' [...] ''mdccclxiii mmmciv cccxxii i''. File enrc/wow/tot.1/gud.wfr (original 60293 words, truncated/filtered to 35027 words, ''N'' = 4869 distinct). [[English language|English]], encrypted with a [[Vigenère cypher]] with a 27-character alphabet (letters plus apostrophe), preserving spaces, with key 'ferrocyanide': like 'no one would have believed ...' ⟶ 'ss eds yluyl ke'i svzkbvrl ...'. Text of [[H. G. Wells]]'s novel ''[[The War of the Worlds]]'' (1898), excluding numbers, mapped to lowercase. * Whole text. Sample: ''ss eds yluyl ke'i svzkbvrl lr ylv bouq yriuw tj jys pfnrahisxy tspqudf'' [...] ''tumui aihv onoenla e hskfzg lf ekrvj sw foupe'ohvx eseota sauh sk''. File envg/wow/tot.1/gud.wfr (original 60293 words, truncated/filtered to 35027 words, ''N'' = 12911 distinct). The word frequency files '*/*/*/gud.wfr' are available at the [ UNICAMP website]. The original annotated full texts, before truncation/filtering, are in the companion files */*/org/main.src. The truncated/filtered texts -- one word per line, without punctuation -- are in */*/*/gud.tlw.