## {} # Unfolding "[|]" alternatives # Last edited on 1998-12-19 18:39:27 by stolfi # # NOTES ON THE UNFOLDING OF "[|]" ALTERNATIVES # Jorge Stolfi 05 Nov 1997 # # To simplify processing of the text, I expanded the "[|]" notation # used in Gabriel Landini's interlinear file v1.6. Each line that # included one or more such alternations was replaced by a pair lines, # one using only the first choice of every alternation, the other # using only the second choice out of every alternation. # # For the extra lines resulting from the unfolding of '[|]' constructs, # I used these codes: # # D: second choice from "C" lines # G: second choice from "F" lines # I: second choice from "J" lines # Q: second choice from "K" lines # M: second choice from "L" lines # # Unfortunately I had to remove the "!" and "%" padding characters in # the unfolding process, since they no longer provided the proper # alignment between the unfolded versions and un-unfolded versions. # Fixing this problem would have required processing all versions of # of one line at once, and effectively computing a consensus for it. #